Read Zechariah 13:7-9
Zechariah’s reference to shepherd here would be again about the messianic shepherd, Jesus. You may recall Jesus’ own words to his disciples in the garden before his arrest. He told them they would be scattered, and they were for a time.
Jesus quotes Zechariah when he is walking with his disciples on the way to the garden. Matthew 26:31 says, “On the way, Jesus told them, ‘Tonight all of you will desert me. For the Scriptures say, ‘God will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’”
Jesus knew what his fate that night would be. His disciples could not understand. They couldn’t even stay awake during prayer time. But when Jesus’ arrest took place, “Then all his disciples deserted him and ran away.” (Mark 14:50) It happened just as Jesus had told them, despite their vow to protect him and never leave him.
John’s gospel also has an account of the scattering that was prophesied. “But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone.” (John 16:32) But Jesus wasn’t alone. He was never alone. His father and “partner” was always there. We have the same promise.
It was the people who put Jesus to death that had something to fear. Sin against God’s purpose will never go unpunished. We know that Jesus’ death was God’s plan, however, the people responsible would still have to answer to God’s judgment.
God’s judgment, as described here, is an act of mercy. Those chosen to be purified will experience the restoration of God’s covenant. It doesn’t say that these chosen ones were perfect. I certainly want to be in the group God chooses to purify.
God’s promise here for those selected is as follows: “I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold.” I’ve always liked that image of how God Have you ever gone through “fire” in your life?
Think back to a time when you were struggling in some sort of life crisis. If you can’t think of anything just now, you are blessed! Picture the person you were before the trial. How did God refine you in that moment to make you stronger?
When I look at those moments, I see how God was molding me in those times for something he had planned for me in the future. It’s really quite something when you look back and begin to connect the dots.
Maybe you’re going through the fire right now. Maybe knowing this may be a “refining” moment will help you endure the struggle. Don’t forget to worship. The song “Praise You in the Storm” by Casting Crowns comes to mind as a great example of how the second half of verse 9 applies.
God’s people call on his name and say, “The LORD is our God.” Boldly proclaim this right now.

Let’s pray. Thank you, God, for being there for me. I know there have been trials in my life that hurt you as much as they hurt me. I now see how you were refining me in those moments, making sure not to waste an opportunity to help me grow. Growing pains can be hard. I pray that you will continue to challenge me to be the best I can be. For me, that means I’m drawing nearer to you and your will for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.