Numbers 26:1-65 – What a Big Family!

Read Numbers 26:1-65

All the people camped near Moab ready to enter the Promised Land were related. Their patriarch was Jacob, and each of his twelve sons are represented by descendants recorded here. A census is the best way to keep track of this huge family. You may recall at the beginning of the book of Numbers a census was taken to register the people of Israel coming out of Egypt. Since that time, as God declared, all but two of those people on the original roster have died. Joshua and Caleb are the exceptions, and how they will be used by God is yet to be seen. We can follow his story as the successor to Moses in the book of Joshua. The circle of life can be a beautiful thing.

God was getting the people ready for the final leg of their pilgrimage through the wilderness. The number of people in this moment would be memorialized for all time. How many people survived the journey? That was the question being answered by this registration process. How many men would there be to fight the battles ahead? As it turns out, there were fewer than previously counted. Continue reading “Numbers 26:1-65 – What a Big Family!”

Nehemiah 9:1-3 – Confession

Read Nehemiah 9:1-3

Have you ever confessed your sins out loud to another human? Our sins certainly become a lot more “real” when we do that. It’s also a great way to give away the power our sins have over us, simply by speaking them out loud. And we have an accountability partner to keep us from falling into that sin’s trap!  

James 5:16 says, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” Nehemiah’s contemporaries are ready to make their confession public. I bet you haven’t ever sprinkled dust on your head or worn a burlap garment because of lament over your sin.

Continue reading “Nehemiah 9:1-3 – Confession”

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