We have seen the author speaking to the supremacy of Jesus in these first few chapters. However, today the focus shifts to Moses. For the new Jewish believer (the original audience of this Book), Moses was a very important figure in Jewish tradition. It was Moses who was used by God to free their people from slavery as they were led to the promised land. I don’t believe this text was meant in any way to downplay Moses as the hero he was. Yet, we see again that Jesus’ power is greater than what we can already fathom.
The focus then shifts to God’s whole house, the church, and who is in charge. We are the church. Moses was a servant just as are we. Jesus built the church and is in charge of the church. It’s up to us to serve and to “keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ.” Sometimes that can be hard when the world closes in around us. Continue reading “Hebrews 3:1-6 – We Are The Church”