We have seen the author speaking to the supremacy of Jesus in these first few chapters. However, today the focus shifts to Moses. For the new Jewish believer (the original audience of this Book), Moses was a very important figure in Jewish tradition. It was Moses who was used by God to free their people from slavery as they were led to the promised land. I don’t believe this text was meant in any way to downplay Moses as the hero he was. Yet, we see again that Jesus’ power is greater than what we can already fathom.
The focus then shifts to God’s whole house, the church, and who is in charge. We are the church. Moses was a servant just as are we. Jesus built the church and is in charge of the church. It’s up to us to serve and to “keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ.” Sometimes that can be hard when the world closes in around us.
If you are part of a church, you know that there are no perfect churches. Why? Because they are made of up imperfect people. Too many times people forget who is in charge. That’s when you see division and any hope for unity vanishes. I like to think of the church as a family of brothers and sisters in Christ, all doing the work of mission. Our mission is to spread the word of God and make sure Jesus’ name and what he did for us is known. As a family, we are knit together with the common bond, a love for Jesus.
While you might think the church should be pure and holy, only part of that is actually true. The church is made of up sinners who need a savior, not people who are pure and perfect. The church is a holy place, that is, set apart to do God’s work of ministry. Holiness is a gift from God. He takes ordinary people like us and calls us to do his work. Jesus’ presence is what fuels us for success, not our own power.
When we are part of a church, we are called to be a light to the world. Our lives should reflect the change we have experienced from walking with our King. Jesus was the pioneer apostle sent by God into the darkness of this world. He came to seek and save the lost. We are called to seek the lost, letting Jesus do the saving. We have his example to follow. We are not to organize ourselves like a political party but to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide. We should be asking, where does God want us to serve in this world. We can then join forces and become holy partners.
Sometimes churches get so caught up in their programming and fundraisers that the simplicity of ministry escapes them. We need to remember the church is not a building. It is the people. If a building burns down or is blown away in a tornado or hurricane, the church isn’t gone, the building is. We are the church. We are the family of God.
If you’re not part of a church family, you are probably feeling like something is missing in your life. It is. We are meant to be in community with other believers to strengthen not only ourselves but others. Ask God today to lead you to the community where he would like you to serve.
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for all of the church communities I have been part of over the years. I thank you for the opportunity to serve you in each place. It is an honor and privilege to be used by you. I pray for those searching for you and for a place they can call home. Unite them with brothers and sisters who can help lead them to the place you have chosen for them. Help us all to hear your voice and respond to your requests for us. Don’t let our excuses hold us back from enjoying you to the fullest. In Jesus’ name. Amen.