Jeremiah 33:1-26 – Did You See Jesus?

Read Jeremiah 33:1-26
orange flower opening with words "Jesus beautiful savior"

It’s hard to imagine what living in a city under siege would be like. The fear of death and uncertainty of tomorrow would be crippling. When you’re caught in a place of panic, it can be hard to imagine peace and prosperity are even possible. But that’s God’s message in this reading.

Jeremiah even speaks of Jesus without mentioning him by name. We also know that Jerusalem will be rebuilt because it was a bustling city in the days Jesus walked this earth. You will recall high priests presiding in Jesus’ day as well. The Messianic hope had been sparked.

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Jeremiah 31:1-14 – Restoration

Read Jeremiah 31:1-14

woman in field of flowers with arms outstretched and reaching up

Jeremiah gives us another upbeat message in this reading. What poignant and memorable words of hope in Israel’s darkest hour! Even though we’re not the original hearers of these words from God, we can still glean joy in the promised restoration. What were some of your favorite images of the restoration? I liked “With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself,” and “I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing.”

This same God of hope loves us and looks out for us, too. We have been included into his family by the blood of Jesus. With that truth in mind, reread this passage and find the hope God intends for you to cling to today. We are all walking through some challenge that is zapping our energy, and likely our joy. I don’t know what your struggle is, nor you mine, but that’s okay. We serve the same loving God that is walking right beside each of us.

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Isaiah 35:1-10 – Hope is Found

Read Isaiah 35:1-10

Chapters 34 and 35 are considered a match set. In our last reading we had judgment, and in this reading comes the hope. I’m also learning a lot about the literary style of Isaiah. I didn’t realize that scholars see a distinction between First Isaiah (Chapters 1-39) and Second Isaiah (Chapters 40-66). We’ve just read Chapters 34 and 35 which are usually considered a bridge between the two, and Chapters 36-39 are like a snapshot in history that we have yet to cover. I’m always fascinated to learn cool facts about the Bible and how it has been designed with such intention.

We have an intentional God. He has been known to allow certain things for those who love him, as we have seen, that have been less than enjoyable. We can look around our world today and see plenty of examples of that! The important thing for us to keep in mind is there is always hope on the other side of any trial or judgment. “There the Lord will display his glory, the splendor of our God.” We see that time and again in Scripture. It just makes sense that it is a pattern we can trust as well.

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Isaiah 4:2-6 – Restoration

Read Isaiah 4:2-6

Today’s reading is full of hope for the future. The warnings of destruction will be partnered with glimmers of hope. We can see that pattern playing out in our lives too. For every trial and valley of struggle, we can rejoice in the light at the end of the tunnel. We know there is an end in sight. John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” We can put our hope in Jesus. He was sent to this earth to be our light in the darkness. He is a light so bright that darkness cannot and will not ever overtake it.  

Here we see what many Christians believe is a prophetic reference to the Messiah, the light of the world. “But in that day, the branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious.” The restoration Isaiah is speaking of will be truly manifested in the coming of Jesus. Years later, Jeremiah speaks of this branch as well, “For the time is coming, says the Lord, when I will place a righteous Branch on King David’s throne. He will be a King who rules with wisdom. He will do what is just and right throughout the land. And this is his name: ‘The Lord is Our Righteousness.’ In that day Judah will be saved, and Israel will live in safety.” What a beautiful word from God to give people hope.

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