Jeremiah 29:24-32 – Causing Drama

Read Jeremiah 29:24-32

cinema clapboard

In our last reading, Jeremiah had sent God’s message to the captives in Babylon to beware of false prophets. Apparently, Jeremiah’s message ruffled some feathers with rival prophets. It would appear Shemaiah is instigating the drama in this reading to take down Jeremiah and get him out of the way.

We know from being on this side of history that Jeremiah was a true prophet speaking the word of God. Others calling themselves prophets in that day were not. God’s doom for them has already been set. Did Shemaiah think he would fool the priest, Zephaniah with these words? “So why have you done nothing to stop Jeremiah from Anathoth, who pretends to be a prophet among you?”

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Jeremiah 29:1-23 – God’s Letter to the Exiles

Read Jeremiah 29:1-23

a bunch of priority letters being sucked into a computer screen with the world displayed

We get a glimpse of God’s plan for the exiles in this letter. This reminds us how closely involved Jeremiah was to the events happening in this moment in history. He wasn’t one of those exiled to Babylon. He was in Jerusalem, presumably expecting (and fearing) all the atrocities he was preaching about. How would that make you feel?

Knowing he was giving the people in exile some hope and direction with this communication had to be fulfilling. It’s exhilarating anytime we’re used by God! When is the last time you were used by God for some purpose?

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Jeremiah 28:1-17 – Hananiah’s Story

Read Jeremiah 28:1-17

cartoon man with megaphone walking and talking

Hananiah’s story is a chilling example of what can happen to false prophets. Hananiah seemed so confident that the words he was speaking were from God. Was he just that conniving or simply misled by listening to something other than the word of God?

Whatever his intention or motivation, the people were happy to believe the message he was delivering. People like stories with happy endings. Even Jeremiah exclaimed, “May your prophecies come true! I hope the Lord does everything you say.” If only Hananiah had had it right.

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Jeremiah 27:1-22 – A Heavy Yoke

Read Jeremiah 27:1-22

old fashioned wooden yoke

Why do you think God had Jeremiah put on a heavy yoke before he sent these messages out? Again, it was a teachable moment for Jeremiah. God used a real-world example to help Jeremiah understand the weight of the people’s rebellion. The yoke served as a sign to the ambassadors (v.3), King Zedekiah (v.12), the priests and the people (v.16). The message was to submit to the yoke of Babylon.

A yoke in the literal sense is an apparatus that is put on working animals attaching them to a plow or cart to be pulled. The Bible uses the reference of a “yoke” as a metaphor for bondage or servitude. In this case, the heavy yoke was likely to signify the oppression of Babylonian captivity about to become reality. That was certainly going to be something uncomfortable to bear.

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Jeremiah 26:1-24 – Being Threatened

Read Jeremiah 26:1-24

graphic showing no rumors no cyberbullying no teasing no threats

Everybody loves a good story. We took a little diversion today with Jeremiah’s story of being threatened for doing the very thing God told him to do. Couldn’t you just picture the scene unfolding? It was bound to happen considering the unpleasant nature of message Jeremiah was preaching in front of the Temple.

This story comes years before Babylon comes to tear down Jerusalem. However, Jeremiah has been preaching God’s messages since King Josiah was reigning. Jeremiah will continue to prophesy about the fate of God’s people all the way up until the Babylonians conquer Jerusalem.

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