Jeremiah 27:1-22 – A Heavy Yoke

Read Jeremiah 27:1-22

old fashioned wooden yoke

Why do you think God had Jeremiah put on a heavy yoke before he sent these messages out? Again, it was a teachable moment for Jeremiah. God used a real-world example to help Jeremiah understand the weight of the people’s rebellion. The yoke served as a sign to the ambassadors (v.3), King Zedekiah (v.12), the priests and the people (v.16). The message was to submit to the yoke of Babylon.

A yoke in the literal sense is an apparatus that is put on working animals attaching them to a plow or cart to be pulled. The Bible uses the reference of a “yoke” as a metaphor for bondage or servitude. In this case, the heavy yoke was likely to signify the oppression of Babylonian captivity about to become reality. That was certainly going to be something uncomfortable to bear.

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Deuteronomy 15:12-18 – Release of Slaves

Read Deuteronomy 15:12-18

It’s good to remember our roots. We can be so much more appreciative of what we’ve accomplished when we can look back and see the progression of blessings. Unless of course you come from wealth, have squandered it and are left with regrets. There would be the story about the prodigal son that would speak to you.

In today’s reading, Moses is having the people remember that they were once slaves in the land of Egypt. God wants them to be better masters and take care of their own slaves in a better way. Slaves are to be released from their duties every seven years. Male slaves are supposed to be given a portion of the household, presumably so they can start their own homes and be free from slavery all together. The theme of generosity is continuing from our last reading. It also gives us a glimpse into the heart of God. He created us all with value and dignity.

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