Psalm 150 – No Question

Read Psalm 150

There is no question in my mind after reading this psalm what we are to do. This is last psalm, and the last line, verse 6, says it all: “Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

This is chapter not only focuses on the “who” we praise but on the “how”. There is no question our God is worthy to be praised. Over the years, at one congregation or another, we have always been in the center of movement for change in worship styles, or “how” we worship. As I reflect on our life of ministry, I am saddened that so much time and energy was spent on this issue.

In my heart I believe there is no wrong way to praise and worship. The wrong way is to not worship. In this psalm, I picture such a joyous time of singing, dancing and playing instruments, all to glorify God. There are no frowns, and everybody is engaging in the way they feel moved. I think we as a society are too uptight (for a lack of a better word at the moment) and don’t allow our guard down, even to worship our God.

I enjoyed a story this week from a pastor counseling a woman in his church. She came to him all upset about this thing or that, all happening within the congregation. She was going to leave the church because she couldn’t believe the pastor wasn’t doing anything to control these “things”. The pastor’s wisdom here gave me goosebumps. He welcomed the woman to leave if that was her desire, but he made one request before she did so. He asked her to carry a full glass (completely full to the brim) around the church and report back to him. Believe it or not she did so, probably wondering what in the world was the point. When she met with the pastor to say her goodbyes, he asked her if when she was carrying the glass she had witnessed the “this and that” happening around her. She told him she couldn’t, she was too focused on not spilling the water. He told her that’s what it’s like when we are focusing on Jesus with our whole heart and mind. We are less likely to notice or be bothered by what someone around us may or may not be doing.


Are we focusing on Jesus enough? Are we being drawn into our own selfish desires and not putting our trust and reliance in our God and Savior?

Think about your worship life. How can you improve it? Remember worship isn’t confined to an hour on Sunday morning. We should be living a 24/7 faith – praising God at every turn, keeping our eyes focused on him and his path for us.

Guess, what? I found a song. Let it wash over you here.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for the reminder today, simple as it is. Praise to you! I might not feel like dancing right n ow, but my heart is smiling and I feel a bubbling joy inside my being. May that pour out today as I get to work and to serving your kingdom. Thank you for the opportunities you give us each day. Help me not to overlook what is right before me and keep the focus on you. Guide my steps. Guard my tongue. You are an amazing God. May I worship you as you deserve. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 148 – Praise Who?

Read Psalm 148

Praise God! Everything should praise God according to this psalm. It’s not optional. But this requirement should be a no brainer. Why? Because our God is mighty and worthy of our praise. Our God is being praised by the sun and moon, the animals of the field, creatures of the ocean depths, and even the vapors high in the sky. God’s creation should give thanks and praise for its existence!

Do you ever wonder why God created you? I remember writing many journal entries over the years on that very question. Another variation would be “what is my purpose?” Having spent many Bible studies over the years talking about this, and reading Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life” on several occasions, I think I have a good way to sum it up. My purpose is to love and worship God and help others. That is why I was created.

I know that may sound simple. When we live in such a complicated world, it’s hard to accept something this simple. But God had it all planned out. He created this amazing world and everything in it. Then, he wanted a relationship with what he had created. After all, he did say it was “good”.

Relationships are key, and our relationship with God should be our #1 priority. We have been blessed with many relationships, and we know they must be nurtured and fed to grow strong. The same goes for our relationship with God. He wants to hear our praise and our prayers. He longs for conversations with us.

There is one verse here that made me wonder. Verse 12 talks of who should be praising, and after a list of animals, vegetation and weather, he states young men and young women, old men and children.” Do you see who’s missing? Old women! Now I’m sure it was just an oversight, because a just a verse before it says “all people”. After all, we know how much emphasis is put on caring for widows and orphans.

So we know our God is worthy of our praise. This psalm reminds us that we are not alone in praising God. Now we just need to do it. What does your life of praise to God look like? Is it restricted to Sunday mornings? What does your grateful praise look like? We don’t all need to sing and dance. Think on that and how you are honoring God.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for creating me and giving me a vision to live a life of praise to you. I love you and want my life to glorify you. Help me focus on what is important, YOU, and to give you control over the things in my life that are holding me back. Walk with me and shine through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 147 – Absolute Power

Read Psalm 147

My oh my. The power of God is absolute indeed! This psalmist is overflowing with praise. The word pictures used are exquisite and fresh.

What verse(s) spoke to you today? If you’re not sure, think about what you are going through right now (pain, struggle, happiness, success) and read this psalm again until you see yourself.

Do we see ourselves, maybe as one who fears God, as one with children blessed by God, or living in peace? The fact that God is interacting with us is truly reason to celebrate and sing praise.

I like the weather references, too. Snow like wool, hail being hurled like stones, and frost spread like ashes. What was striking is verse 15, He sends his orders to the world—how swiftly his word flies!” God is in control, and when he speaks the universe listens.

Lately I’ve heard people referring to “well life has thrown me some curves,” or “the universe will make it right.” These are just a few examples of common thought that rock me to the core. Have heard things like this, too? I just want to shake this people and say – NO! God is in control. God gets the credit for the good. Evil lives and seeks to hurt us, not God, not the universe or “life”. Evil is real. God is real. God is stronger and will prevail.

I think verse 11 is my favorite. No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Isn’t this the key? We want to delight our Lord, and here is our “how to”. In this day and age, with the age of instant gratification and search for knowledge, people want to know how. Here you go – you what to know how to please God, fear him, put your hope in him.

Sometimes it’s hard to put our faith in things we cannot see. But God is God, and while we cannot see him, he is there. Can you see the wind? Yet you feel it on your face or blowing through your hair. It’s there, but you can’t see it. God is in the wind, in the rain, the snow, the hail. He created it, it is his as our we. As these things respond to God’s word, so, too, must we. Are you listening to God? How are you responding?

Let’s pray. Father God, I give you thanks and praise for all that you are and all that you have made me to be. Help me to step outside myself and open up my heart to let you in. I want to place all my trust and hope in you and not leave anything to chance or my own ability. I’m going to need your help to be true to this and not try to take back control. Cleanse me of me and my selfishness so that I can shine with your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 142 – Help Me!

Read Psalm 142

If you were to write a psalm today, a song about your place in life, what would it look like? This psalm is ascribed to David as he is in a cave. He sounds a bit forlorn and very lonely.

While none of us are probably in a cave, we may be in a place where we feel alone. Did you know you can be in a huge crowd of people but still be alone? It’s happened to me, and I’m sure it’s happened to you. Think of an airport for example. You’ll see lots of people milling about, but most of them won’t even notice you. Most of them are so caught up in their own travel destination and itinerary to keep you company.

Maybe your psalm will be one of joyful singing for you have just received a promotion at work, become a grandparent for the first time, or have helped someone out of a jam (boy does that feel good)! It’s easy to sing praise when we are feeling joy.

God’s hand is at work in our lives in the everyday, and sometimes we forget that. He is certainly at work in every sunrise and sunset, in the beauty of creation that surrounds us. But for us personally, sometimes we feel abandoned. Maybe he is too busy helping my neighbor. But no, God is there for us all.

Verse 2 made me smile. I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles.” Sometimes my prayer time does look like this. But I’m certain God wants to hear from us so bad, and like a good friend he is ready to hear the good and the bad. He wants to be in our lives no matter what is happening.

We need to remember that God is good. Always. Forever.

Let’s pray. Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. I long for the day I am in your presence singing with all the heavenly hosts. For now, I love that you have put me in a place where I can make a difference. I want to feel your presence coursing through my veins. May you be in the air I breathe and the words I speak. Show me those that need to hear a word from you today and speak through me. Use me to be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 134 – Praise

Read Psalm 134

This may be the shortest reading yet. It’s the last in the series “songs of the ascents”. The people are returning to their homeland. This will be the first time most, if not all, see their land. For years, family members have kept the memory alive. It’s possible there have been some embellishments, too. Much like our “fish stories” of today. Each time our stories are told, the facts get a little bit more amplified.

But the focus here is praise, or bless, or thank, all synonyms for the tone of this psalm. There is a call to bless the Lord, and a request that the Lord bless his people. The identity of the “who” in this psalm has been up for debate.

I’d like to see this as a pattern for us to follow. God has delivered us, and what is our response? We should give him praise and blessing. As would be human nature, we will also turn around and ask for continued blessing or help in another endeavor or plan.

Thank first, ask second. We should always focus on the supremacy of the Lord and what he has done for us first. Maybe that’s all we do is spend time lifting up the name of the Lord. Certainly never as an afterthought.

Before any petition for help, rescue or provision, we need to be on our knees in gratefulness.

Think of your own situation, maybe at work. Is there a co-worker who is always nagging or asking for things but never thanks or lifts up those around him/her? Are you that person who expects everything to be given to you, yet fall short in giving thanks?

Think on that for just a moment. Think of a time when someone shared something of great importance with you. Did you take this information, treasure it, and give that someone your adoration and praise? Were you truly grateful?

When we are overflowing with thanks, our gratefulness easily takes the form of praise. When we spend time worshiping God, that is why we often recall God’s history, the mighty things he has done for his people, for us. It helps us to sing praise when we focus on our thanks. The trick is praising and worshiping when in the middle of our trial, not yet delivered. All the more important to sing praise with a grateful heart.

What does your prayer life look like? Is it one of rejoicing for all that the Lord has done?

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for your many blessings on my life. Many go unseen, and I thank  you for those, too. May I always have a heart full of gratefulness to you and to those in my life who pour into me, share with me, lift me up. Thank you for the people you have brought into my life. May you use me to be that light for those needing light. Help me to listen for your voice and your leading. It is perfect. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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