Luke 8:1-21 – Good Soil

Read Luke 8:1-21

There are several things going on in today’s reading. While my focus will be mainly on the parable, I wanted to also point out a couple other observations.

The reference to women following Jesus seems to be just sort of stuck in between things. But the message should be huge. In the culture and day, women were not allowed to learn from rabbis. Because Jesus welcomed them and allowed them in his close circle of followers, that shows all people are equal in God’s eyes. Women are still today asserting their strength and voice after feeling second class to men. We should all only worry about the most important relationship of all, with our Creator, Savior and Guide. If we hear and obey, we are all part of God’s family. Jesus offers us all an intimate relationship with him.

Did the “good soil” parable speak to you differently today? Jesus does a very good job of using this parable to separate the different people who hear his word. We have the “path” people, the “rock” people, the “thorn” people and the “good soil” people. Which one describes you the best? Continue reading “Luke 8:1-21 – Good Soil”

Luke 4:1-13 – What Tempts You?

Read Luke 4:1-13

Does it make you feel better to know that even Jesus was tested? What can we learn from his response to the devil’s schemes?

We see Jesus in this passage from the perspective of knowing who he is and how his life played out. Imagine if we were only seeing him for the first time in these few verses. What if we didn’t understand or realize he was the Son of God? Read the passage again through that lens (yes, I know it’s hard).

What are your impressions now? Here are some of my observations.

  • The devil knew Jesus was the Son of God. I wonder how?
  • I can’t imagine not eating for 40 days! I definitely would be hungry, I’d want to eat everything in sight!
  • Boy, Jesus was strong to resist that bread!
  • The devil tried to use Scripture, too, to fool Jesus. Crafty. Some people try to use it for their own purposes, too.
  • Why didn’t Jesus run away from the devil?

Continue reading “Luke 4:1-13 – What Tempts You?”

Mark 12:18-27 – What’s Next?

Read Mark 12:18-27

Resurrection. It’s a term we hear in the church as it relates to Jesus. He was dead, and then he was not – he was resurrected, raised from the dead.  Jesus has been preparing his disciples for this phenomenon, yet they don’t understand.

We may also think of the story of Lazarus, Jesus’ friend, who was also dead. After Jesus spoke, Lazarus was raised back to life and no longer dead. The difference is Lazarus died a second time but Jesus did not. Jesus ascended to heaven and is preparing a place for us. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

If today’s reading left you puzzled, you are not alone. I, too, was left scratching my head. It’s question three posed to Jesus, and this time by the Sadducees, an aristocratic group of priestly families. They were known to accept as their authority only the written Law in scripture.

We may also wonder about resurrection and what it means for us and for our loved ones who have gone before us. Questions about what happens to us when we die have been  asked for centuries. Jesus cautions us, “you don’t know the power of God.” It is true, there are many mysteries, and God’s power and might are right at the top of the list.

We must not limit God to our own understanding. Jesus suggests the possibility of solutions, and a reality quite different from one we could ever imagine. The understanding of Scripture can also unlock a wisdom for us and a glimpse at the goodness of God, the greatness of God, and the grace of God. It is by that grace that we are saved.

Do you want a peace about your life and your after life? Have a relationship with God, know Jesus as your friend, and rely on the Holy Spirit in all you say and do. Focus on God’s word as His message to you. God’s word is alive and powerful, and it will accomplish what it says and sustain all who hear it.

Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you today again amazed at your powerful grace. There is nothing I can do to deserve it because you give it so freely. Help me to get my mind around that truth and give my life to you completely. May it be crystal clear to those I encounter that you are Lord of my life. Thank you that the fear of death for me is only the thrill of spending eternity with you. May I take each day that you give me as a gift and pass that gift on to others. Thank you for the freedom you have given me to dream and to soar. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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