Jeremiah 16:1-18 – Just Wait!

Read Jeremiah 16:1-18

stop light with red light illuminated

How good are you at waiting? I’m getting better myself. But I’ve been known to avoid stop lights at all costs, choosing to take alternate routes. It’s silly, I admit. Don’t get me started with grocery lines. I inevitably choose the wrong line. Shortest doesn’t always mean fastest!

Jeremiah is being told to not marry or have children “in this place.” It doesn’t say “ever”, so Jeremiah knows that that sort of relationship is going to have to wait. Jeremiah is already waiting for all of God’s messages to come true. All the destruction Jeremiah has been preaching about is about to come. How do you think it feels to be waiting for something like that?

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Philippians 1:12-19 – God Can Use It All

Read Philippians 1:12-19

Holy Spirit stained glass in circle shape

Do you ever feel like you’re the only one that doesn’t have it all together? I know lots of women who confess on social media they are simply a “hot mess” struggling to pull it all together to be a positive influence on their families and in the workplace. Why do we all feel it necessary to put on a good show for the rest of the world? Isn’t it better to just be ourselves, comfortable in our own skin, thankful for what God has provided?

One of my favorite sayings we used often in our Celebrate Recovery ministry over the years was, “God never wastes a hurt.” Think about that one for a moment. God can use everything we experience and make something good out of it. Paul is alluding to this in this passage when he gives credit to how his less than desirable circumstances have helped him spread the Good News!

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