2 Chronicles 28:1-27 – A Bad King

Read 1 Chronicles 28:1-27

King Ahaz was a bad king from the beginning. This text gives no indication that Ahaz started out good and then spiraled into an evil frenzy. Don’t you wonder how the son of a good king (Jotham) could be so corrupt? Rebellion perhaps?

The Chronicler loves storytelling, especially when it has to do with worship. An evil king becomes evil because of who he worships. The story unfolds about an evil king with no victories or successful conquests. In fact, defeats and plundering are more abundant. Why would a king want to lead like that? Did Ahaz even realize that these repeated disappointments were because of his worship practices?

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Zechariah 9:1-8 – Safety

Read Zechariah 9:1-8

You probably noticed the style change in today’s reading. The remainder of the book of Zechariah is regarded by Bible scholars as “separate works.” While hard to pinpoint exactly, it’s likely these messages from God came after the temple was completed from prophets who were not necessarily returnees from exile.

This reading tells how God is going to level the playing field and destroy Israel’s oppressors. Foreign nations would likely try and revolt against Israel again, sensing Israel’s potential weakness. We know God allowed the punishment his people endured in exile. But those days were past. As God said, “I am watching closely to ensure that no more foreign oppressors overrun my people’s land.”

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