Leviticus 18:1-30 – Prohibited Sex

Read Leviticus 18:1-30

Do you think it helped that God reminded them more than once that he was the LORD, their God? Why such emphasis? I imagine it was because he wanted their attention because he was going to start talking about sex. That was a hot button topic then as well, especially considering the fact God wanted them to be set apart from the culture they had left (Egypt) and the one they would soon enter (Canaan).

God knew that his model for sex was different than the world’s view and practice. You may notice right off the bat that God speaks of multiple partners. He thought of everything, certainly, but in that culture it was not uncommon for men to have multiple wives. This is known as polygamy, and according to Google it is illegal in most countries and is the practice of only about 2% of the global population.  In our day, with the prevalence of divorce, people will often have more than one spouse during a lifetime, just not at the same time. Continue reading “Leviticus 18:1-30 – Prohibited Sex”

2 Chronicles 28:1-27 – A Bad King

Read 1 Chronicles 28:1-27

King Ahaz was a bad king from the beginning. This text gives no indication that Ahaz started out good and then spiraled into an evil frenzy. Don’t you wonder how the son of a good king (Jotham) could be so corrupt? Rebellion perhaps?

The Chronicler loves storytelling, especially when it has to do with worship. An evil king becomes evil because of who he worships. The story unfolds about an evil king with no victories or successful conquests. In fact, defeats and plundering are more abundant. Why would a king want to lead like that? Did Ahaz even realize that these repeated disappointments were because of his worship practices?

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 28:1-27 – A Bad King”

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