This was a wake-up call! “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.” What did you think when you read that? That verse, taken alone, could really rock your world if you’re a book worm and like to consume knowledge. However, I think the vast knowledge available to us in books is different than what’s referred to here as “wisdom of the world.” Yet still, it’s “foolishness” to God who is the creator of all things.
Our reading today brings together all that that Paul has shared in his letter so far. We note a huge distinction between God’s wisdom and the wisdom of the world. Worldly wisdom seems to be more focused on self and motivations that don’t include God. I can see where that would be foolish to God. Why would people want to rely on themselves when they can rely on God? But there seems to be an epidemic of people trying to “be God” when they should know there is only ONE God!
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