Leviticus 27:1-34 – Giving Back to God

Read Leviticus 27:1-34

Knowing what is meant by “making a vow” will help us understand this passage a little more. As I understand it, in those days when you prayed to God you could make a vow and add on to your prayer by giving something of value to God as a special gift dedicated to him. This “vow” could be a person, animal, house, or land, in place of any monetary gift to be given. The priests were in charge of keeping track of the values.

The idea of a vow that comes to me is what a bride and groom exchange during a wedding ceremony. Much different, and yet still the same. The marriage vow is more of a pledge to be true and honor God and the other spouse in the union. Different in that it doesn’t involve a monetary value, but the same in that it is a dedication to God. The marriage union is then deemed to be bound by God. I wonder how many couples today understand the history of vows in God’s eyes. Continue reading “Leviticus 27:1-34 – Giving Back to God”

Philippians 4:15-23 – Unexpected Blessing

Read Philippians 4:15-23

pink rose amidst purple bluebells

As Paul concludes his letter, you would expect him to wish his friends well. And he does, a couple times, in fact. But Paul also seeks God’s additional blessing on them for their financial faithfulness in supporting his mission.

When we give out of love or admiration for a ministry, probably the last thing on our minds is, “what’s in it for me?” Do you think the Philippians’ generosity was motivated by an expectation of recognition? I don’t think so. But Paul wanted them to know that he had noticed and was blessed by their continued support for him.

Continue reading “Philippians 4:15-23 – Unexpected Blessing”

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