Absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of our Father. The world will try to fill our heads with lies telling us a different story. Don’t listen. Nothing. Absolutely nothing can come between us and God. Ever. We can rebel and turn our backs on God, but his love will never fail.
Maybe you’ve had a time in your life when you’ve strayed from God. Believe it or not, he was there all the time. If you can, recall those times. I remember being indifferent and certainly not in communication with my Father. I suppose it’s like being estranged from a family member. You might go months or years without talking to a loved one. Does that mean you stopped loving them?
We have a long distance relationship with family, so we can just as well assume our long distance relationship with God is also intact. The difference is God is everywhere. We may not be able to see him in all his glory, but he is always there. It’s us that often have the blinders on. Why is that? Why do we ever let ourselves drift away from the best relationship we’ll ever have?
There is so much beauty in today’s passage. Many of the verses we hear quoted from Romans are packed into these short verses. But the one that stands out is the promise that nothing can separate us from God’s love. That’s a good thing because we often mess it up. I don’t know about you, but I’m doing a much better job of staying connected.
Since we retired, I made it a goal to journal everyday about my devotional reflections. Well, God had something more in mind for me and now I’m sharing those raw moments and thoughts with you. I would encourage you to do what you need to do to stay connected on a regular basis to God. Acknowledge his presence in your life. He wants to hear from you.
Another promise we see here is that God is for us. He’s our biggest cheerleader. He wants us to succeed. We often limit ourselves in that area
I love these lyrics from that song: “And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?” As you go forward in your day, let these words empower and inspire. Remember you are not alone.
Let’s pray. Lord, I give you thanks for all your love and support. Thank you for not giving up on me when I was being a disobedient child. You loved me through all my trials and storms. I’m on the other side now and can look back and see your hand at work guiding me. Forever grateful I am. Use me to help others find their way back