You’ve heard it said, “God is God, and I am not.” That couldn’t be truer. God has everything figured out; meanwhile, we fumble about trying to make it through life. We try to take control of things we can, often trying to “play” God. We will do better to just acknowledge God as the epitome of wisdom, grace, and mercy.
When we begin to question God and his actions, we open ourselves up to trouble and disillusionment. There is no way for our human brains to even begin to understand God’s ways. When we hear about “big picture” thinking, God knows it best! Take a moment to just revel in the majesty of God. He handles so much and still has time for each one of us!
Paul agrees in verse 33, “Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways.” If it’s impossible, why do we still try to figure Him out? Because we’re inquisitive. Because we’re power hungry. Because we’re control freaks. Take your pick.
What’s cool is that God’s mercy is available to us. I get the impression from Paul’s comments today that if it wasn’t for the hardened hearts of the Israelites, God may not have opened up his family to the rebellious Gentiles. Did you read it that way, too?
Here is the truth we should take away today. “For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! “ Everything. Even us. God’s power is available for us, and we need to take advantage of that. We need to be good stewards of everything we see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. It’s all from God given to us. Let your heart overflow with gratitude!
I’ve got a song (imagine that) as I reflect on how God amazes me. Listen to I Am Amazed HERE.
Let’s pray. Lord, I am amazed by you and your love for me. You have it all under control. Now I just need to trust. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your child. Forgive me when I am disobedient and try to venture out on my own. Forgive me when I forget how great you are. You have done so many amazing things. I can’t even begin to comprehend. Continue to work in my heart to cleanse me and prepare me to accept the great future you have in store for me. May I reflect your love to those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.