We have just finished a section in Romans where Paul has been trying to figure out how the Jews fit into God’s plan. Why? Because Jesus has come and they don’t all recognize him God’s son. As we move on, now, it’s almost as if Paul shrugged and said, “God is just too magnificent, how can I ever begin to try and understand his intentions!”
Today’s reading starts with an interesting word, “Therefore.” In the New Living Translation, it was “And so.” I chose NIV today because the passage was more familiar for me using words I have memorized for this verse. There is a lot of wisdom in these two verses. Chapter 12 is very meaty as it lays out how we should live.
Chapter 12 moves forward, as the words “therefore” as well as “and so” would indicate. Because we know God has shown mercy on us, we need to know how to respond. We’ve got the start of a description already in the first two verses. We are to offer our bodies to God as a living sacrifice.
A living sacrifice so that we don’t have to die first. Instead we give God everything we’ve got. We’re all in for God. Our bodies are to be holy and pleasing. How does that work? I have always thought that it means we should take care of ourselves. We should make sure our bodies are pleasing and able to serve. We are doing so in response to God’s mercy.
Paul also warns us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” What does this say to you? We know that Satan is just waiting for us to stumble. He has done a great job of making things that are bad for us look enticing. We can easily fall in the trap of conforming simply to fit in and be accepted. Instead, we should seek transformation by renewing our mind.
How do we renew our minds? With positive thoughts, watching and reading positive media, staying connected to Jesus so that our radar for “evil” is more tuned in. What activities are you doing these days to renew your mind? For us in business, we focus daily on motivations and affirmations of positivity. Part of being successful is having a strong, positive mindset. This verse fits in beautifully to support what we are doing on a regular basis.
Paul goes on to say that once transformed, “you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Too many people live life without a thought to what God wants for them. I was one of those people once upon a time. Now, I try to do my best to seek God’s will for my life in all areas, especially the big ones.
When David and I were contemplating retirement to Mexico, we prayed. We prayed a lot. We wanted to make sure this was a move on God’s radar. Did he really want us in Mexico, or was that just us wanting it so badly? When things fall into place nicely, it makes it so much easier to realize God is steering the bus, so to speak.
Do you have any life transitions happening or likely to happen in the near future? Have you been in touch with God to see about His will?
Are you feeling particularly weak in some area of your life? You feel vulnerable and wonder how you are ever going to make it through?
We need to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and comfort. God’s word is full of promises and wisdom that will help us through any circumstance. The Holy Spirit transforms us and empowers us. Call on that power today.

Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you and offer you my life. Do with it what you would, and help me to sense you and your will for me. I don’t want to mess this up. I want to be living in your will. Help me stand strong against the evil one’s schemes and see through them with eyes of wisdom. I call on the Holy Spirit to continue to transform my heart into the perfect living sacrifice for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.