Psalm 66 – Bless God

Read Psalm 66

What great praise and thanksgiving to God! I love how it truly focuses on that which is most important — God! It’s a cry for all of us to follow suit and worship, sing praise, bless the Lord.

I love verse 9, what comfort, “[o]ur lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling.” We stumble plenty, don’t we, when we do it “our way.” But to rely on God and let him control, we can walk with assurance. Just today I had a situation that was frustrating me, that I thought “I needed to fix,” and it was frustrating me that I couldn’t. Even my physical body started feeling the ill effects of a lack of control. The good news is when I let go and trusted God, a peace began to take over, and I was able to breathe again.

What did you think about the part referring to burnt offerings? It’s not a practice we are accustomed to seeing in our day. Jesus was our sacrificial lamb, and it is by his blood that we are redeemed. As I write this we are in the middle of Holy Week. I have been wished “Feliz Semana Santa” several times this week. At first I was a little confused, but Holy Week is a big deal in Mexico! Before retirement, being in ministry, Holy Week was a hectic, busy, stressful week. I remember wishing I was just a “normal” person that could walk with Jesus “calmly” from the hurrah of Palm Sunday, through the Last Supper, his despair in the garden, his torture, and finally his gruesome death. I wanted the Easter morning joy of our resurrected King to be as glorious as it could be. This year I am “normal.”

How do you feel when you think of what Jesus did for you? We can now confess our sins and they are gone! Take time this week to really focus on this. Jesus was man, too, and he really struggled with what was to come.  Jesus was God and knew it was what had to happen.

What better reminder to always be praising. Our lives should be a constant act of worship. In all that we do, we should be mindful of the God we serve, the God who loves us.

Let’s pray.  Lord, thank you for this new day. There are tasks to be done, help me to do them to your glory, praising you that I have tasks and that in your strength I will accomplish them. Keep my heart singing and praising you. Help me never forget what you have done for me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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