Psalm 65 – Thanksgiving

Read Psalm 65

Wouldn’t this be a good psalm to meditate at Thanksgiving time? My study notes call it the “harvest psalm”, and I believe it. Most of my life I lived in Iowa, a great farming hub, and I remember years of great bounty and years of drought. As you read through the psalm give thanks for God’s power in your life, it has no limit!

Can you even conceive of the power of God?  I don’t think we can. We simply must stand in awe of a power greater than we can comprehend. Let the verses of this psalm help you to focus.  Notice all the “You” statements attributing greatness to  God.  For as much as God formed everything by his power and cares for it, we need to cling to that assurance that he is caring for us, too.

We often go off into our own little worlds, oblivious to others, let alone this mighty God who is so capable and ready to guard and guide us. When will we learn? When will we truly let go and let God? Maybe you’re not as much of a control freak as me?!

The last line of the psalm, referring to the wilderness, the valleys, the sheep, the hillsides, etc., “[t]hey all shout and sing for joy.” Do we do that? When is the last time you gave a shout for joy? Have you felt joy recently?

One great way to experience joy is to be more in tune with our creator, trusting more in the power that is available. When we focus on all that God has done for us, and continues to do, the bubbling of joy from deep within can’t help but start rising to the surface. Work on being in awe of God’s power working in and through you today. Don’t take for granted the saving grace that has been given to you.

Let’s pray.  Lord, thank you for all of the blessings you provide and how you care for your creation. Forgive me for taking your blessings for granted. I want to live in your will and be mindful of your plan for me. I trust that when I sense joy it is you. When my heart sings, it is because you are there. Continue to soften hearts to be ready for your love.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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