Psalm 62 – Quietly Wait

Read Psalm 62

Oh, how I love this psalm!  And it’s my birthday today, so I’m super excited this is the Psalm of the Day!  It starts out with these words, “I wait quietly before God.”  How often do we rush through our quiet time, maybe the phone rings and we’re interrupted?  How should we come to him?  Like this, quietly, and wait for Him.

It is not a one way conversation with our best friend.  He listens intently but he also responds, and we need to be listening.  I’m always reminding myself that and how quickly I give up or even dismiss God’s voice if I’m in a rush to the next thing or talk myself out of believing that the impression or “voice” I have just encountered is truly the God of the universe, my Heavenly Father. Am I alone here?

I love the word pictures in this psalm and how they magnify God’s sovereign power and love.  My rock…my fortress…my salvation…my refuge.  These images are repeated again and again, sort of like optimizing your website with keywords.  But optimizing our awareness and trust is what it does.

Verse 8, “trust in him at all times, pour out your heart to him.” Yes, this is his desire, that we be totally open and free with him.  He may already know exactly what we are struggling with, but it is up to us to call it out, to reveal it and release it from inside us, poured out before God so we can be healed.

It has been so exciting moving to a new community, a new country and culture at that, and staring a new business in addition to the one I had.  I believe God has placed all of these new opportunities in front of me to help me grow, and it is my desire that I honor God in all I say and do.  Maybe you’re not in a brand new place or starting a new project, that shouldn’t stop you from having the same desire, to honor God.

Take a moment to ask God to help you with that one thing that is really troubling you today.  Then sit back and listen.  Wait quietly in his presence.

Let’s pray.  Lord thank you for the assurance I feel knowing you are in control.  Help me surrender fully to your will.  I thank you for being my shield and refuge.  You are my best friend, God, you are always there for me.  Forgive me when I am not totally tuned in to you and let distractions crowd you out.  I pray you will help me slow down and be better at waiting quietly for you.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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