Did you hum along with the first line of this psalm? That’s an oldie but goodie. This opening truly speaks to me as I thirst for God. Are you feeling distant from God, wondering if He is there? Perhaps you are struggling from grief or sadness, struggling with the loss of a loved one clinging to precious memories of a time gone by. We all have those things that we hold on to, those things we can’t let go of, perhaps traditions start to become more important than what we’re trying to memorialize. Take a moment just to ponder what this might be for you.
Maybe you’ve heard people around you say, “that’s not the way we used to do it”? I have heard that many times over the years, and I may have even uttered those words myself on occasion. But as I reflect on that I have to wonder if we are limiting God when we think inside the box like that. Are we not keeping ourselves open to the new thing that God may have in store for us, for the new revelation of something even greater?
The heart of the psalmist acknowledges his sadness but firmly states: “I will put my hope in God, I will praise him again.” Satan can really toy with us, our emotions, our thoughts and actions. He can make us believe it IS all about us and that our losses and our tumults are all that matter. When this happens, we are overwhelmed.
So where do you place your hope? It is my hope we can all find a way to look to God’s guidance, his provision, his ultimate will and trust that He is in control. How can we praise him in ALL things, and at ALL times? Whether we like our surroundings or what is happening around us, we need to focus on the “WHO” we are worshiping. Right?
Let’s pray: Lord, help me in my frustration toward others who are closed minded and selfish. I worry that such people will spread this nastiness and the harm may be more than we can bear. Lord, we cry out to you for help, for reassurance that we are living in your will. When I feel alone in my sadness, give me comfort to know that with you I can overcome. In Jesus’ name. Amen.