Here is another example of a prayer for mercy. I wonder as it begins what the original text meant and the intent of the author. As I read verses 1-3, it seems as if all those provisions are only for those who are kind to the poor. Do you read it that way, too? Is the author the one who has been kind to the poor at this point, or poor himself, watching those that help him be blessed? I’m just curious. Either way, I always have a sense of peace when I help the needy, like giving pesos to the blind old woman at the market, sponsoring a child, donating toward a business start up in a third world country, helping my neighbors here in Mexico, a very poor country in the midst of a financial crisis. Lord, bless them all!
The psalmist quickly shifts to his own plea for mercy. He was truly troubled and a bit paranoid it seems. And nestled within his cry comes a prophetic word in verse 9, did you see it? Could it be reference to Judas and Jesus perhaps?
This psalm is the last in the section (Psalm 1-41) dealing with suffering to sorrow to great joy. This underlying theme as been a repeating pattern you have probably noticed. I’m looking forward to the next section. I appreciate the timeless nature of the psalms and how our laments and struggles of today can resonate with these writings as if the writer were here today. The Bible is so cool that way. God is a genius, but we already knew that!
How do you let the words of Scripture guide your day? Think on that for a moment. Perhaps you call to mind a Bible passage or Biblical truth at a time of confusion, doubt, trouble, or praise. You can then make sense of something, act in a manner that reflects Christ-like behavior. Look for opportunities today to call on God’s wisdom, His Word, to help you today.
Let’s pray. Lord, I long to be closer to you. Forgvie me the times I try to take control. Give me eyes to see those around me and in the world that need you or need a message from you. Use me to be that angel of mercy that touches lives today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.