I don’t know about you, but today’s psalm seemed little disjointed in it’s flow, almost like a rant. I had to read through it several times and then I found myself scouring the study notes to see what they had to say. Even the notes left me feeling a little lost, so I read the psalm again, and this time the light bulb went off. I had given myself time to truly shut out the confusion and set aside “me” so I could soak up the lament and heart of David as he cried out to God in this psalm. I can’t explain the difference. It’s when God’s word truly takes a hold of you and speaks.
That whole cleansing of me was probably more monumental in terms of revelation than the words on the page, but David’s words are pretty cool, too. He starts off by saying “I will watch what I do and not sin in what I say.” Okay, that’s good counsel for us, too, and we should be careful in what we say because words can hurt, even without us knowing it. Why is it so easy for us to complainn and find fault in something, some situation, or someone. Why is it so much negative comes out of our mouths or clouds our thoughts? Is that easier than being positive? Clearly our psalmist is struggling to be positive, he is nearly bursting with inner turmoil. He is thinking of his own mortality and how our lives are but a “moment” to God. While I’m not sure how he knows this, I love the anaswer he has to his own question in verse 7. “My only hope is in you.” That is, God.
In his struggle to not speak negative, he cries out to God, spewing forth his lament with the one i n charge. God is in control and has our lives in his hands. It makes so much more sense to go right to the source and leave others out of our misery, our confusion, our doubt, our anger, etc.
I don’t know about you, but I can do a better job of minding my tongue and shining with the joy of Jesus. Let’s make an attempt going forward to put a filter on what comes out of our mouths, because we can’t take it back once it’s out there. Let’s remember who is in control and that we need to let go of our negativity lest it cause us to sin.
Let’s pray. Father, thank you for this reminder today. Helpt me to be positive in all I say and do. Forgive me when my mouth rushes ahead of You and what you would have for me to say. Cleanse my heart and make me whole. In Jesus’ name. Amen.