So much praising going on. It is such a delight to picture faithful ones singing and dancing while giving glory to God. Why is it that we don’t see more of that in our culture today? I’m not saying it’s not there at all. We’ve all seen how some groups and churches go all out with dancing, praise banners, and musical instruments.
What does your praise look like behind closed doors? Do you have a tambourine hidden in your closet for those moments when you go all out? “Let the faithful rejoice that he honors them. Let them sing for joy as they lie on their beds.” God honors the faithful. That is certainly something to put joy on our lips!
The idea is to worship our Maker with total freedom. We need to take ourselves out of this equation. It’s all about God and for God. Some people are self conscious about clapping, singing, or even raising their hands to the heavens. Our worship should show God he is worthy. How do we do that? The psalmist suggests we do it in a big way, almost a spectacle, certain to get God’s attention and those around us.
What must the non-believers think? Maybe they think we’re odd or fanatical. Maybe they’ll wish they had such joy and freedom and be curious. Maybe they’ll join in because our joy is so contagious. That’s they way I want to live and be seen. You know, have others asking, “what does she know that I don’t?”
When I’m leading worship, I close my eyes a lot of the time. (Sometimes I lose my place in the music if I’m also playing the piano!) Doing that helps me to shut out the world and be in total communion with God. With a black space behind my eyes, it is so easy to see the face of God smiling and the angels around him dancing. The warmth of his embrace is all the more real.
What did you think of the power we as believers have been given, according to the second part of this psalm? I read it over and over to understand the meaning or intent. As you know, I’m no Bible scholar, but I do like to share my insights.
I can’t see myself using a sharp sword to execute vengeance. Can you? But I do see unbelievers in shackles of their own making. They don’t realize how they are bound for destruction. How sad for them! They are not experiencing the joy of salvation by knowing our loving God. They are stuck and locked in their own chains. Jesus has the key to freedom, if only they ask.
Who do you know living in shackles? What can you do to help them see the way out?

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you and praise you for who you are. I love to sing your praises. Spending time with you refreshes my soul like nothing else can. Please be with those friends and loved ones who are not following you and experiencing the joy you give. Use me to bring them closer to you. Prepare their hearts to accept freedom from the chains that bind them. Ignite the passion inside me once again to truly dance with joy. Give me the assurance I am on the path you have chosen for me. May my face radiate with your glory today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.