God is revealed in the truths of his Word! We are given a picture of who God is in this passage. With all of this proof, we can be sure there is a God. His creation can’t keep it secret! I enjoyed how the psalmist gave life to, personifies that is, the elements of creation. The day “speaks”, the sun is “a bridegroom” or “an athlete”. “Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.” No matter where we are on the planet, we experience the same sky, sun, moon, and stars. The message is available for all of us!
There is a misconception here, however. We read that the sun moves causing the beginning and end of the day. That brought a smile to my face. Did you catch that, too? It is the sun, like God, who is stationary and allows us to move.
“The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul.” God’s Word is a precious commodity for us. Sometimes we forget how rich a resource we have at our fingertips. Think of how fortunate we are to have access to God’s Word. We have many messages from God. His Word is alive and able to speak to our hearts, reviving our weary souls!
These verses speak of God’s instruction, commands, and laws. “They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold.” As I often say, “I want to hunger for God’s Word.” That’s powerful! We hunger for those things we desire. If you’re like me, we can get so busy with “stuff” that we may misread our hunger pangs for God’s word as something else. We may even ignore them altogether. Take a moment now to just be still and feel yourself being filled. Reread the passage and let it’s truth and beauty nourish you.
I love it when I find nuggets in Scripture like this. Great reminders that God and his word are perfect, trustworthy, and able to bring joy. Who wouldn’t want that? We can focus on God through the proof that surrounds us!
The psalm ends with a familiar line I’ve often heard my husband use before he would preach a sermon. I think this would be a good prayer for each of us to use as we start each day. “May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Powerful. I’m going to commit that one to memory. I challenge you to do the same.

Let’s pray. Oh Lord, my rock! You are great indeed! Thank you for the ability to look around and see you. Help me find you in new and creative ways today. Reveal yourself to me so that I may praise you anew. Walk with me because I do not want to stumble. May I please you in all I do and say. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.