We’re going to break up this psalm into a few chunks. This is an acrostic Psalm, and each section takes a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet, i.e. Aleph=A, Beth=B, etc. There are 8 verses per section, and it’s my understanding in the original Hebrew, each verse also started with the letter of that section. (Note to self: go check David’s Hebrew Bible.)
So what are your take-aways from today’s reading?
Is the message different in each alpa section?
Can you see a common theme?
For me, the message I saw coming through loud and strong is “Obedience.” There is a lot of emphasis on obeying the law and following God’s commandments and decrees.
The heart of the psalmist is crying out for help to understand. There is such a longing and desire to follow and obey. I think we have lost that sense of desperation almost, longing fervently to please God with our actions. There is a bit of inspiration here to have that same yearning and closeness to God. We want to know Him and be clear on what his Word tells us. Our devotion needs to rule us as it does the psalmist.
But what if it did? What would such a devoted follower look like today? Would there be ridicule? Would there be persecution? Would there be avoidance? Are we strong enough to withstand? Maybe we need more obedience?
I wasn’t sure what to make of this psalm at first. I am looking forward to the next several sections. If the lesson for the day is obedience, the psalmist is going to do a great job in the verses/sections ahead to show us how to open our hearts. God is already there planting his seeds waiting for them to bloom.
Let’s pray. Lord I feel a bit empowered by your grace and provision. Yet I stand broken and clinging to you. Show me your truths. Guide my feet on your path. Forgive me when I stumble and lose my focus on you. Build in me a fire of yearning for you. I pray this flame also ignite for those I far from you. I praise you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.