We are all in a different place on our journey of faith. We can walk together, but we may be in different places on our path when we do. It’s good to be in community with each other and helpful to remember this.
This psalmist is at a good place in his or her walk. She (and I don’t know if this is a male or female writer, but there seems to be a “feminine” voice here–to me at least) has had prayers answered, received healing, experiences joy, and salvation. She feels close to the Lord and grateful for her place in his world. The trick is to feel this same connection when things aren’t so dandy.
We tend to over think our faith at times. We need or expect to see some result to our prayers. Too often we miss the blessing or answer because we are so busy expected a different response. When you think back, can you an example of this in your own life?
We need to have a childlike faith so we can be protected. It will also help us to be more open to God’s direction if we approach him with a more childlike attitude. What do I mean by this? Think of how a young child responds to a parent. There is a lot of trust and respect going on. A youngster hasn’t learned how to walk or how to tie their shoes, so there is a dependence and reliance on the parent to help. We need to up our level of respect of God in such a way. He deserves it after all. He is in charge of all that is.
To have the same joy and trust in the Lord as our psalmist does is attainable and can be ours, too. We need to allow ourselves to let it happen. Yes, I said it. Let it happen. If we look for God with an open heart, ready for him to move, he will, and we will see him. God is moving. Still. Today. We are often just moving in a sideways motion, maybe even at a standstill, not looking in the right direction to find God.
Take a moment now to close your eyes and picture yourself in the presence of God. Taking slow and intentional breaths, shut out the noise and distraction of the day. Is God speaking to you? Are his arms open wide? Be still. Listen. Connect. Be held.
Let’s pray. Father, I come to you as your child with my arms open wide. Hold me close. Your embrace is so warm and safe. Don’t let me go. I yearn to know you more. Help me to set aside my own desires, if they are not in line with what you want for me. Walk with me this day. Open my eyes to see what you want me to see, who you want me to touch, and what you want me to say and do. I need you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.