The worship theme is clear in this psalm. As a worship leader, I am especially thrilled by the tone and intention in this short psalm. We should all strive to live our lives in total surrender to our Creator, Guide, and Friend.
One of the little things I’ve found helpful over the past year is what I call the “Three Gratitudes.” It doesn’t take any special program or app. You do this each morning before your feet hit the floor to start crushing the day. Think about the first three things that come to mind for you that you want to thank God for? Name them. Thank God for them. This could be as simple as (1) I woke up, (2) the sun is shining, and (3) I have a warm bed. Try it tomorrow morning. It takes a little while to become a habit. But it’s a good one!
Sometimes we find that kind of devotion and gratitude hard, especially in the midst of struggle, despair, grief or anger. Name your own barrier or burden. If we focus on verse 3, “Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Focus on who you belong to. Set aside all other thoughts that will try to get you off course, and you’ll find a more worshipful heart can’t help but emerge.
Here’s something fun to do. Read this passage again, but put emphasis on different words each time. “He made us, and we are his.” Try it now. What are your observations? You can truly set your heart on fire with thanksgiving and praise.
It should be our drive and passion to live a life of grateful praise. All we have been given comes from God. All of it! A secure future with him for eternity is waiting for us, too. “For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”
Are you feeling more grateful? Indeed! Now let’s show the world what a life lived in grateful praise looks like.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, how wonderful that we are yours. My heart is grateful for all that you are and all that you do for me. Thank you for making me and bringing me to this place in my life. Bless each person I have encountered in my life, and I thank you that I can reconnect with so many through our business. Continue to bless that and show me the direction you have for me today. May I always follow your leading. May my heart always be full of you so that you shine out on all who I encounter. In Jesus’ name. Amen.