Numbers 28-29 – Offerings

a reaching hand with a stone heart as if offering

Read Numbers 28-29

The LORD had a lot to say on the topic of offerings. Don’t let the fact that I combined two chapters throw you off. In addition to the offerings, we are given instructions on what the holy days are and details of observing each one. These instructions would have been followed closely by the Israelites in the years to follow, and I wanted to reflect on them together.

What struck you as you read through each command? The list starts out by reminding us that these offerings are a “special gift” to the LORD, a “pleasing aroma,” the LORD’s food. There may be a lot of repetition between the different instructions, but what strikes me is the sheer number of animals being sacrificed each day. Imagine if Sabbath fell on the first of the month! Most of what we encounter here is also supported in other places in Scripture dealing with the Holy days and sacrificial practices.

It’s easy to rush past descriptions of these holidays and the associated sacrificial expectations because they are “foreign” to most of us. But those of Jewish faith, like Jesus, will celebrate these holy days, keeping them holy as the LORD had commanded through Moses. The sacrifice portion may have been set aside, but it is still a good idea to honor God in the giving of our tithes and offerings.

Giving our offering is an act of worship. In fact, many church services include offering as part of the order of worship. Our giving should be our response to God’s work in our lives and the world. A tithe suggests a percentage, usually ten percent, of wages earned. Doesn’t that seem like such a small fraction to honor our Creator, the owner of all that is seen and unseen?

There are other ways we can show our appreciation to God. Colossians 3:23-24 suggests, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.” We are even promised a reward, although that shouldn’t be our primary motivation. Giving God our best should be our focus. These verses might challenge us a bit, especially when we actually make that connection and look at our attitudes about tasks and shift it to be in honor of God.

In the middle of whatever chaos may be going on, use these commands about offering to get you thinking about what you are offering to God in this season of life.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, you are so worthy of my honor and praise. I love giving back to you some of what is already yours. I still marvel at all the animals that the priests had to sacrifice on a given day, but then I realize that there is no way we can truly give back to you all that you deserve. I pray that I can please you and honor you with all that I give. Thank you for each way you empower me to do the work you have for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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