Nehemiah 5:1-13 – Helping the Oppressed

black and white picture of poor looking boy behind fence

Read Nehemiah 5:1-13

I wondered how the people were surviving financially in the new land. If all their time was spent on the construction project, when did they earn a living? When did they rebuild their own homes? This passage reveals some of the inequality going on in the new land.

Apparently, Nehemiah was not aware of the financial hardships some were facing. Now that he was, he was angry that some of their own people were taking advantage. It breaks my heart that children being be sold into slavery. That was a common practice in those days, too. Today, human trafficking is at an all time high because of greedy people with no regard for human life.

Nehemiah wasted no time in dealing with these complaints. Good leaders pay attention and handle situations before they fester and lead to other problems. Nehemiah confronted the officials directly first, and then called a town meeting to address the issue publicly. Exodus 22:25 was clearly being abused, which reads, “If you lend money to any of my people who are in need, do not charge interest as a money lender would.”

This passage is another example of how God cares for the poor. God used Nehemiah to set an example. Nehemiah was quick to remind the people about God. They were back in Jerusalem because of God’s hand of protection. Nehemiah’s question to those who were abusing their fellow Jews was profound here, “Should you not walk in the fear of our God in order to avoid being mocked by enemy nations?” I liked Nehemiah’s attempt to get everyone back on the same page.

Reading about the complaints reminds us these are real people, with real problems and worries beyond this project. Thankfully the people being marginalized brought the problem before their leader to be handled. I wanted to applaud when the gathered assembly said, “Amen!” and praised the LORD. That was almost “too easy.” God was definitely moving in his people.

It’s a good reminder for us to praise the Lord no matter our circumstances. It doesn’t have to be financial struggles. We all have issues that nag at us and distract us from being totally devoted to God. As Christ-followers, we want to do a better job of trusting and having that awe or “fear” of the Lord. When we have praise on our lips, it’s hard to feel concerned about our problems. Spend some extra time today praising God for his goodness.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for times when I complain to you about the way I’m being treated or how something in my life isn’t going the way I’d like. Help me to see the solution in those moments so I can find the way out of my mess. I trust you and know being in your will is best. Thank you for all the ways you have helped me over the years. You are so good. May I boldly speak of your goodness to others who don’t know you.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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