Because we’re getting nearer and nearer to celebrating Christmas, that means the Advent season is drawing to a close for another year. What are some of your favorite ways to “get ready” for (1) the birth of Jesus and (2) Jesus’ return? Advent is that perfect time to reflect on both since there is a lot to do to “be prepared.”
Today’s reading puts us in that second focus of preparation. Micah speaks of the last days so we can get a picture of what that will look like. What are some of the images we have to look forward to? We see people coming together in one accord seeking more of Jesus. We see God resolving our disputes and bringing peace. An attitude of fear will have no place in those days.
It’s easy to get excited to for the “last days” to arrive. This passage paints such a beautiful picture. We may not even be around when the last days finally do come. But I’m glad there’s a season of year dedicated to being ready for those last days, just in case.
Micah tells us this is a promise from the Lord we can trust. Micah certainly trusts God. “Though the nations around us follow their idols, we will follow the Lord our God forever and ever.” When we look around at our world today, we could say the same thing about people, too, not just whole nations. People all seem to have their “idols,” those things they worship more than God.
If God hasn’t always been a priority in your life, that’s okay. He is now. You are building a relationship with him by simply reading his word. When you pray, you are opening up the line of communication. A lot of people stop listening because they forget that God will answer. Don’t ever stop listening.
Whether we see the “last days” this side of heaven or the other doesn’t matter. Aren’t you thankful that God made these promises. Are you glad that you’ve smashed your own idols to make more room for God?
This Advent season has been a perfect time to reconnect with God and readjust any priorities that did not place God first. Don’t let the excuses of busyness block your view of Jesus. We celebrate his birth in just a few days. We look forward to his coming for the rest of our lives. The last days are coming. Are you ready?

Let’s pray… Father God, you are magnificent. You have the whole world in your hands. Forgive me for questioning why you allow some things to happen. Your ways are so much bigger than I can fathom. Instead, help me to focus my energy on being ready for your return. Use me to help others be ready, too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.