Today’s reading opens with Judas’ surprising visit to the high priests. How do you picture Judas? Has he always been a bit of an outcast among the disciples? Does he have a sinister look about him? Has he ever really accepted any of Jesus’ teachings? Is he a devout follower merely being used by God to orchestrate the beautiful plan? Is he greedy? Is his need for money greater than his loyalty to a friend? Do we have a little of Judas in us?
We are able to witness Jesus’ final meal with his friends, including Judas. Jesus is fully aware of what has happened and what is to come. What must Jesus be feeling? Has he lost his appetite? Imagine the men all seated around the table celebrating the Passover feast. It has happened before. But tonight is special. They are sitting with their very own Passover Lamb on the eve of his slaughter.
Imagine if you had never read this story before. Let yourself be amazed by what is happening. The location was all orchestrated by God. This will be a Passover they will never forget. It had to be memorable, even down to the location and how Jesus instructed them to find it. Don’t you wish you had Jesus telling you exactly what to do, where to find what you need, etc. Maybe we need to listen harder.
At dinner, Jesus goes off the “script” of the Passover tradition and tells his disciples that one of them will betray him. They were already having a hard time believing that Jesus would be killed and then raised from the dead. Now he was telling them that one of them would betray him, give him up, sell him out. They were aghast. How could that even happen?
What do you think Judas thought when Jesus said the man that betrays me will be better off if he’d never been born? That’s pretty harsh. Certainly, there would be no earthly consequence. The leaders were very pleased. But the guilt would be agonizing. Have you ever done something for which you have been sorry? The weight of the guilt can be crushing like having an elephant sit on your heart.
The first communion feast was celebrated. The bread is Jesus body, and the wine is his blood. We remember Jesus by sharing this meal in remembrance. Oh what joy when we can celebrate together again with Jesus in his Father’s kingdom! After dinner, they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.
What spoke to you today in this passage? Take some time to wait for God to speak to you. You may need to re-read the verses. Think of Jesus, Judas, the owner of the house where they ate together, the religious leaders, the other disciples. Feel free to share your impressions in the comments.

Let’s pray. Lord, my heart is heavy when I imagine the agony you were feeling on this last night. There was so much more to come and you knew it. Your time on earth had been short yet powerful. The impact you made on those who knew you and on us still today is immense. Help me to always focus on that sacrifice you made for me. May I never forget. Thank you for giving your body and blood for us. I cherish you and pray that all I say and do is pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.