Matthew 26:1-13 – The Plot Thickens

Read Matthew 26:1-13

Jesus has been setting the stage for his departure from this world. Now we see the plotting of the religious leaders begin. It’s what needs to happen so that Jesus can fulfill his role as our Savior King. He needed to sacrifice his life for ours. That could not happen if everyone loved him and his ministry was all sunshine and roses. God orchestrated this so beautifully to coincide with the Passover, a time already recognized as a time to celebrate the lambs who gave their blood to save the people. Jesus is our lamb.

So what about the woman and her perfume? This story is memorialized just as Jesus said it would be. We all look to her extravagance. How do we see it? As a waste? As a tribute? Our answer may speak to our own faithfulness. This story is also told in John 12:2-8. We get more details here and learn this woman was Jesus’ friend, Mary.

Do we love Jesus with boldness and extravagance like that? Or are we more reserved, holding back our true affection? We may even fall somewhere in between. To have a faith and devotion like Mary made Jesus happy. He saw her deed as an act of worship. She was preparing him for his burial.

Did she know she was doing that? What was she thinking? Maybe she wasn’t thinking only overcome with emotion and love for Jesus. He had, after all, been sharing so much wisdom. He had brought her brother Lazarus back to life. Jesus’ compassion for others was clearly evident. Jesus was not a bit selfish (although he liked his quiet time to spend time with God).

When is the last time you showed your love for Jesus in an extravagant way? Certainly by using the gifts he has given you to help another shows Jesus how much you love him. It’s what he calls us to do. He is blessed when we think beyond ourselves. When we are good stewards with what he has given us for the benefit of others, it’s a win-win. We can express our love for God with our resources.

Take some time today to think about how you can show your love for Jesus in an extravagant way. Be creative. Ask him where your help is most needed.

Let’s pray. Lord, I want to represent you well. Help me to be excellent in all I say and do. Give me the eyes to see the needs around me. I want to be a shining light for you in this place. Help me to use my gifts to bless others and you. Forgive me when I let the busyness of life get in my way of serving you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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