Jesus continues to paint the picture of what the disciples are going to find, witness, and experience on their journey. If we listen as if these words of instruction are for us, what stands out to you the most?
Were you confused and saddened by how families are portrayed? Did you recognize what it is like to be persecuted and have to flee? Did you appreciate the equality Jesus speaks of? The bottom line here is Jesus does not want us to be afraid of men. God sees all and nothing can be hidden. For those who stand firm to the end will be saved. There is a definite goal in store for staying the course.
Jesus does want us to fear God. He is the one who can and will judge. He is the one who can relegate us to hell. The whole notion of fearing God has always been strange to me. It’s easier to think of fearing God as being in a sense of awe. How do you focus on God’s majesty to the degree of awe or fear?
Here’s an example we can all use. This is the passage that talks about the hairs on our head being numbered. Just think about that for a moment. That’s a lot of hairs on a lot of heads. When you think of the intricacy and the depth of knowledge that entails from our creator, it is a little mind-boggling. He is involved with and cares for his creation. Simple statements like that can stir up the awe and wonder we need to help us grow closer to our Heavenly Father and fear his majesty.
No matter what, we need to remember we are loved by God. He doesn’t want bad things to happen to us, yet we all know bad things do. God doesn’t wrap us up in bubble wrap to keep us safe. That would be no way to live the life he’s given us. Although, sometimes that sounds like it might be nice to just have that level of protection. But that would keep us in our comfort zone, and our last reading talks about what happens in our comfort zones.
Spend some time today looking around you to find God. He’s all around us. He’s within us.

Let’s pray. Thank you, God, for how you are working in my life. Forgive me when I lose my focus. Persecution for my faith is never fun, but I am willing to be talked about, lied about, made fun of or whatever. You are my rock and salvation. You are valuable beyond description. I love how you have gifted me and I look forward to using my gifts each day to further your kingdom. Help me to not lose hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.