Matthew 10:1-20 – Go!

Read Matthew 10:1-20

I might have been shaking in my boots (or sandals). Jesus’ directions to his followers were thorough yet frightening. Why frightening? Because it was new territory for them. They had seen Jesus healing and teaching, and now he was kicking them out of the nest, so to speak. Jesus felt they were ready to take the Good News to the people of Israel. The lost ones.

Did they feel ready? Were they equipped? How would they know what to do? Sometimes we need to get pushed out of our comfort zone. It’s been said that great things never came from comfort zones. If we’re growing, we are most likely out of our comfort zone. If Jesus thought they were prepared, there should be no hesitancy. They will go. We should go, too.

I remember when David and I were told by our own coach it was time for us to “leave the nest” and start our own coaching community. Seriously? Well, after some reflection, we realized we had everything we needed. If we found ourselves unsure of something, we could find the answer. We had been trained well. The disciples have been trained well by being in Jesus’ company these last days and months. You have to execute on what you have learned to get to the next level.

Jesus knew his disciples would not be alone. He assured them they would be given the right words to speak. He told them what to expect, where to go, what to do. They were being prepared for something big. He told them they would have to be shrewd yet harmless. That’s an interesting combination.

Jesus is calling us, too, to be ready for his assignment. It’s okay to be scared. That just means that you are about to do something really, really brave. Sharing our faith can seem daunting, but remember it’s yours. Nobody can say it isn’t so. It’s yours.

Have you ever experienced God speaking through you? It’s quite something. I have on more occasions than I probably remember. But I do recall a time when a dear friend was sharing a struggle she was having being a pastor’s wife. I had had that same struggle in the past, yet I wasn’t sure what God would want me to say. So I prayed. When the words came out of my mouth they were so profound and beautiful. There was no way I could have been that resourcefully elegant on my own. I could just see the tension flow out of my friend with those words.

So what is holding you back? Are you ready to take Jesus’ challenge and go?! Les Brown said, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Jesus has a plan for each of us, and it’s at least my dream to be the person Jesus intends for me to be. I need to leave my fears behind and GO!

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for the provision you have made for me. When I am fearful, it is because I have taken my eyes off you. Renew me for your service. Shine through me brightly so others can see your good works. Help me exist boldly outside my comfort zone. Thank you for the assurance that you are right there with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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