“Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean.” If I had been Mary, I’d have been a lot more than just confused and disturbed. Imagine looking up from what you were doing only to see an angel of the Lord standing there. My first question would be, “who are you?” It had to be shocking to have a strange man, Gabriel, standing there.
Gabriel sensed Mary’s fear all right. “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God!” Finding favor with God–now that sounds great. Don’t we all want to please God? What thoughts do you think were going through Mary’s head about now? I would have wondered what had I done that was so special.
Imagine a young bride-to-be being told she is going to be the mother of God’s son! How was she going to break the news to Joseph, her fiancé? What would people think if she turns up pregnant before she’s married? Could this really be true? These sort of things don’t “just happen.”
I have read this passage many times over the years, but each time I have such a hard time wrapping my head around the honor Mary has been given. She was just a regular, every day, kind of girl. Those are exactly the kinds of people God likes to use. Mary’s response, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” Mary was surely blessed, and her life would never be the same after this encounter.
We each have the opportunity to be God’s servants, too. We may not have had an angelic visit, but we know from reading God’s word that he wants for us to love him, love others, and tell others about the “good news.” Christmas can be a perfect opportunity to share our faith. It was suggested to me recently that the word “faith” may have lost a bit of it’s meaning in our culture today. Perhaps a better word choice is conviction. It’s a strong word. What are your convictions when it comes to Jesus?
The rest of our passage today is the beautiful account of Mary’s visit to her relative, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, too, was experiencing something miraculous having conceived in her old age. Elizabeth’s baby would play an important role in setting the stage for Jesus’ ministry. Again, God has chosen an unexpected source to bring the good news to the people.
Mary’s song is so beautiful. We see a glimpse of Mary’s beautiful soul and devotion to her God. “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!” Mary was clearly a young woman of bold faith, attentive to her heritage. Elizabeth’s wisdom rings out in this observation. “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”
As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, take some time today to just be still in God’s presence. Imagine what it would be like to have an angel visit you. How do you want to serve God in this season of your life?

Let’s pray! Lord, I love how you sent your message to Mary. Seeing how she responded to you with bold faith is inspirational. Help me to be as attentive to your promptings in my life. Lead me along the path you want me to take. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.