Read Mark 3:31-35
How do you think Mary felt when her son all but disregarded her? Obviously, Mary was concerned for Jesus, hoping he wasn’t overdoing it and exhausting himself. Isn’t that what any good mother would do–want to protect her child from harm?
But this was Jesus. This was God. God’s mission would involve some long days, missed meals, and sleeping in unfamiliar, uncomfortable places. Jesus did that for us! In today’s reading, Jesus uses Mary’s concern as a teachable moment.
Don’t you love when Jesus teaches us like that? We can all learn from those nuggets of wisdom. He tells us exactly who his family is. According to Jesus, we are his family.
How did Jesus put it? He said, “Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” I’ve always thought it interesting that he includes “mother” in that familial connection. Brother and sister, I understand, but mother? It’s obvious why he wouldn’t say “father,” but what about cousin, or aunt or uncle?
I see Jesus nurturing his family by encouraging people to do God’s will. The people hearing Jesus speak were crowding in around him. They were clearly interested in knowing more about Jesus and getting close to him. What must they have thought when they were told they could actually be “related” to Jesus as a sister or brother?
What do you think about being a sister or brother to Christ Jesus? Of course, Jesus says to be part of the family we simply do his Father’s will. That’s where it can get tricky. How do we know if we’re doing God’s will?
That is a very good question. How many times have you just wished God would send you a letter letting you know what you should do to be acting in his will? Sometimes decisions are hard, and we want to hear from God directly. Right now!
God’s will never contradicts Scripture, so that’s a good starting place. God often sends his messages to us through sermons, faithful friends, or the Bible (truth) itself. We just need to be open and listening for Him. Remember prophecy is another way God speaks to us, and the Old Testament has some terrific messages for us today.
We’ve read through a lot of the prophets together on my blog and several books have been published in the Devotions on the Go! book series so far. I have really been moved by what God spoke through the prophets. You should check it out for yourself.
Remember, too, when you follow God’s will, you’re related to Jesus. We’re related, then, because I strive daily to be smack dab in the middle of God’s will. I’m sure I step out of bounds more than I want to admit, but at least I seek forgiveness. How does it feel to be related to Jesus?

Let’s pray. LORD, I am so honored to be Jesus’ sister. It’s hard to fathom such a relationship! Thank you for having my back and always help me make the right decision when I ask. I want desperately to be doing your will. I am so grateful for the opportunities you have made possible for me to do that. In Jesus’ name. Amen.