Mark 12:38-40 – Beware!

a row of white masks with eyes lowered

Read Mark 12:38-40

Jesus felt it necessary to warn us about false teachers of religious law. He had certainly encountered plenty of religious leaders who were not focused on the right thing. Verses like these made my pastor husband uncomfortable with (and eventually led him to abandon) the robes that pastors of our denomination traditionally wear.

We need to remember that pastors, priests, and other religious leaders are people. People can be misguided and go astray. People can be power hungry. People sin. Too often we put our religious leaders on pedestals, thinking they have more of an “in” with God. How do I know this? Because I’ve had plenty of people over the years ask me to have my husband pray for something because he was “closer to God.” Yes, they said that!

We’ve all seen news reports of pastors who have fallen away from the faith. We’ve seen scandals in the news of pastors who have sinned in unspeakable ways. Did they think they were immune because of their calling?

Jesus calls out three behaviors to watch out for. (1) Flaunting their position (2) Greed, and (3) Hypocrisy. All the while, these leaders want everyone to believe they are pious and holy. On the flip side, some of the most humble and loving people I have ever met are pastors. So Jesus’ warning doesn’t apply across the board.

Having lived with a pastor for all these years, I have seen first hand the immense pressure pastors face. It seems like the sinfulness of our world is testing pastors in even greater ways these days. David has often commented that he’s relieved to be retired and prays for younger pastors leading ministry in a culture even more polarized and antagonistic to Christians faith. Of course, he continues providing pastoral support as needed to our friends and family. He’s loving the job of guiding me through my writing process, making sure my reflections focus on sound theology. I am honored to have him “checking” my work, so to speak.

Jesus declares that these false teachers will be punished. God is watching after all. There is nothing we need to do other than be on the look out for this egotistical type behavior. God’s chosen leaders should not behave in ways that don’t honor God.

While we’re not all religious leaders, we do have the call on our life to live it in a way that pleases God. The Bible, both Testaments, are full of examples of what right living looks like. Proverbs 21:21 is one of those passages. It says, “Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.”

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he gives some great advice that we can also reflect on today. “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” If our religious leaders stay focused on this passage, they will find it easier to avoid the trap Jesus warns us about.

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Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for the warning. You are always looking out for our best interest and that brings me peace. I will focus on all the good things you have provided me. I know there are many leaders who are falling away for one reason or another, and I pray for them today. Help them to get back on the right track and to be strong against Satan’s attack. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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