A couple chapters ago, we heard the encouraging and comforting words from God that he would be with Joshua. Joshua’s courage was the result of this promise. Today we read about how Joshua rounds up the Israelites to prepare them for their journey across the Jordan River. God reminds him of the promise. “Today I will begin to make you a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites. They will know that I am with you, just as I was with Moses.”
Take a moment to just imagine what everyone is feeling? I can see how some may be wondering why they had to hurry up just to wait again along the shore. Others may be nervous, perhaps even fearful of the water. Yet, Joshua was taking charge. It’s hard to imagine he had any fear at all. He was ready. His moment had come.
Think of a time when you were starting something new. Maybe it was a new job, moving to a new town, enrolling in a class, or hiring a life coach. One will always feel a little excitement along with the anticipation. I was just thinking today about the day we packed up our car in Iowa and drove to the border of Mexico. Granted we took a few days to get there, but when we sat at the border, we were at the edge of our new life. The Israelites, sitting on the shore of the Jordan River, were about ready to step into their new life.
And then it happened. A miracle. God revealed himself again. Joshua told them, “Look, the Ark of the Covenant, which belongs to the Lord of the whole earth, will lead you across the Jordan River!” And that is exactly what happened. As the priests carrying the Ark put their feet in the water, it began to recede. To make it even more of blessed spectacle, it was harvest season, and the river was overflowing its banks. I love when we see God’s mighty hand at work.
Seeing a wall of water would remind them of the stories they heard about the Red Sea being parted as their relatives had escaped from Egypt. The people should have been in awe to see such a mighty act of protection. Here I was concerned how that many people and livestock would cross safely to their new home. God had it all planned out.
It’s always refreshing to read from the Old Testament history books to hear how God interacted with his people. I’ve heard people say over the years, “I wonder why God doesn’t interact with his people anymore.” I certainly don’t believe that God has gone silent. He is active and touching many of us every day. Sometimes we miss the messages. That’s what seems a tragedy to me.
While I haven’t been rescued across dry land with a wall of water beside me, I have been rescued from a dangerous first marriage that was escalating in the levels of abuse. I was kept safe in a robbery attempt. I’m sure if you look back on your life, you’ll see God’s fingerprints in different situations you’ve encountered, too.
Take some time today to invite God into your plans. Listen for his directions. Let the promises in his word wash over you and give you peace and courage.

Let’s pray … Lord, I thank you for all the acts of kindness and protection you have shown me in my life. I remember so many times it had to be you working behind the scenes. Help me do a better job of being mindful of your presence. Help me to never let the busy-ness of life keep me from being still and listening for your voice. I will follow you and obey. In Jesus’ name. Amen.