John 21:15-25 – Feed My Sheep

Read John 21:15-25

Jesus asked Peter a similar question three times. It’s almost as if he wanted to hear Peter’s affirmation three times to cancel out the three denials made the night Jesus was arrested. What would your response be if Jesus asked you, “Do you love me?” It’s important that we tell Jesus exactly how much we love him.

Jesus gives Peter several commands then. One being to feed his sheep. Jesus’ sheep would be all followers to come. Jesus wanted to make sure Peter was up for the job of serving them. He would be if he loved Jesus enough. When we love someone, it’s much easier to do what they ask of us.

Think about that for a moment. If a stranger asked you to jump out of a plane, you’d be much less likely to do so. But if your best friend asked you, you would more than likely do it. (Unless you were me, and so afraid of heights even the thought of jumping out of a plane makes me want to pass out.)

Jesus also simply tells Peter, to “Follow me.” Jesus was trying to make it as simple as possible. Peter wanted to complicate it. Jesus was talking to Peter, and he is talking to us. Jesus wants us all to follow him. He will show us things and reveal himself to us in his perfect time. We need to be ready. We need to be obedient. We don’t need to bother ourselves with what others think or do, just make sure we are following and feeding other followers.

So how do we feed Jesus’ sheep? I’m curious if you have any thoughts or suggestions on that. I think of serving the needs, providing ways to meet and understand who Jesus is. Spiritual food is more what I imagine rather than the actual food we eat. However, if it is actual food they need, we are to feed. There are many starving people in this world.

I love how John ends this gospel account. If he were to have written down everything Jesus did the whole world could not contain the books. I imagine that is true. Even when you look at all 4 gospels together, you realize we miss days, weeks, and months of time. What is shared with us is only a mere representation of the life of Jesus. But what a blessing it is to have the accounts we do have to get to know our Savior and Lord.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for yet another book in your holy Word. I have seen a glimpse of Jesus and how he served his sheep. May you now empower me to continue this work. May I sense your presence and feel a new sense of inspiration to lead and feed those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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