John 20:19-23 – Jesus Visits

Read John 20:19-23

Have you ever been afraid because of your faith? You may have said, “No,” at first. That’s wonderful because there are many Christians around the world who live in fear for their lives. Yet, their belief is so strong that they would lose their life for Jesus. Let me ask it this way– when was the last time you shared your faith with someone?

That’s a wake-up call for some of us. We live a sheltered life, surrounded by other believers, and the idea of sharing our faith may be a bit frightening. We may not fear for our life, but there is some fear or hesitation that keeps us in our comfort zone. I’m preaching to myself here, but you may also relate.

What will it take for us to be more bold in professing our faith? What is it that is truly holding us back? The disciples following Jesus’ death were terribly afraid for their lives. They had seen what the religious leaders had done to the Son of God. As Jesus’ own followers, wouldn’t they be next? How many days would it take for the “heat” to be off of them?

And then, amidst their fear, Jesus appeared among them. You might think they were just imagining his presence, but he was truly there. Peter and the other disciple knew Jesus was not in the tomb anymore. I’m sure they were hoping they’d see him. But perhaps they were expecting a knock on the door?

They were filled with joy. Of course, wouldn’t you be? Take a moment to imagine Jesus appearing to you where you’re sitting right now. Feel free to share in the comments how you are feeling, what you are seeing. I am feeling overcome with peace. I am seeing my Lord smiling at me with his arms open wide. What a beautiful sight and what an even more amazing feeling. Don’t let your moment with Jesus end.

How did you respond to Jesus? Did you run into his arms? Did you fall to your knees?

Just as Jesus breathed on his disciples and sent them to do the work of the Father, he does the same for us. We have been called to continue Jesus’ work on earth. Take some time today to reflect on what that looks like for you and your situation.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank yo for visiting me today in a fresh new way. I do feel empowered to be more of a light for you in this dark world. Help me to step out of my comfrot zone and find the places you would like me to shine your light. Open my mouth and fill me with the words so that your message will be heard. Thank you for using me in this way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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