John 18:25-27 – Under Pressure

Read John 18:25-27

This is a short reading today, but let’s focus in on Peter for a bit. You will recall in Chapter 13, Jesus told Peter he would deny him. Of course, at the time, Peter couldn’t imagine doing such a thing. This predictive statement of Jesus is common to the other gospels as well. We see it come to pass in these short verses.

Peter was obviously wanting to stay close to his friend when he and the other disciple showed up at the home of Caiaphas and allowed into the courtyard. Yet, when questioned, he denied being a disciple of Jesus. Why then would he be there? Was he caving in to the pressure? Was he afraid that by association he, too, would be in danger?

His third denial in John’s account here is by someone who is related to the man without an ear. You’ll remember Peter, in his frenzy, cut the ear off some guard or official at the time of Jesus’ arrest in the garden. It’s very likely the person now asking the question had been there and seen him. Peter might be able to fool some of those standing around the fire. But when the rooster crowed, it was all over, even Peter realized what he had done.

Would you call Peter a coward? Compared to the courage Jesus is showing at this very moment before Annas, maybe yes. Have you ever wondered what you would do? Would your fear have been so great that you would have denied Jesus?

Even today, years removed from this horrific night, we find ourselves under pressure for our faith. Don’t we? We have to be careful what we say in public forums lest we offend someone. Do you feel the pressure to be someone you’re not just to keep the peace, to fit in?

Whether you’re experiencing this yourself personally or not, there are many around the world who are on the hot seat for their faith. For them, we need to pray. For us, we need to stand with boldness and be unashamed of our faith. If people are repelled by our belief in Jesus, the way we love one another, the way we try to be more and more holy, then it’s too bad.

I don’t mean to sound harsh here. But we are called to love one another, tell others about Jesus, and live our faith 24/7. When we do what has been asked of us, that’s all we can do. It’s God’s job to work in the hearts of those to are repelled, those who hate, those who don’t understand. Without fear, we need to be who God created us to be and live our lives in gratefulness for the blessing.

Peter will no doubt repent. He will realize his mistake and feel horrible. We don’t need to ever feel horrible if we are living our lives giving glory to God.

Let’s pray. Lord, it can be hard when the pressure is on to stay focused on you. But it is in you that I have life. You have given me my purpose and my joy. You have given me a promise of eternity with you. Help me to live my life in grateful praise for all that you are and all that you have made me to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

2 thoughts on “John 18:25-27 – Under Pressure”

  1. I often wonder what I would have done in this situation. I’d like to think I’d never deny Him, but fear changes things. I pray for boldness.

    1. It’s hard to imagine what I’d do. We have the whole story to help us see clearly. But even so, there are times of weakness that take over. I like your prayer — for boldness!

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