Details, details, details. How much is a “little while?” The disciples were stuck on the details. I probably would have been, too! What did Jesus mean anyway when he said he would be gone and then be back again? Where was he going?
What happens when we don’t understand something? We get frustrated. We ask questions. We seek to be free from confusion. Jesus sensed the disciples were a bit anxious about the whole message he was now giving them. I still don’t think they understood how their grief could be changed to joy.
Jesus gives us all the assurance we can talk to the Father. We can make our requests known to him directly. We can boldly ask in Jesus’ name and believe a response will come. This is a big deal to have God as our audience. It wasn’t that long ago when people had to go through priests to make their requests to God. The lines of communication between human and God existed only for priests. How beautiful that we can now all approach the throne of grace.
Jesus told them, the “Father himself loves you dearly because you love me and believe that I came from God.” So that is the key. We need to believe Jesus is the son of God. Romans 10:9 says it like this, “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” To live with Jesus forever in eternity is our greatest desire. We know the best is yet to come.
In our reading today, Jesus
How about you? Are you feeling confident in your faith? Do you believe in your heart that Jesus is God’s son and that he was raised from the dead? Do you ever find yourself just going through the motions, saying what you think God wants to hear?
Jesus wanted his followers to be all in. He had warned them. He continued to assure them they were not alone. He summed up his message by saying,
“Here on
Let’s pray. Lord, you have overcome the world. You are seated on high watching over us. I declare with all that I am — I believe in you. You are the Lord and giver of life. You sent your son Jesus to die for me and to sacrifice himself for my sins. You sent the Holy Spirit to be with me and guide me. My heart overflows with gratitude. How awesome and great is your name. Use me today to be your light in this broken land. With you, by my side, I can overcome all adversity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.