Have you ever read a familiar Bible passage only to feel like it was the first time you read it? God’s word is full of life and ready to fill us with joy. I’m focusing on two beautiful images from our reading today. The first being how the richness of God’s Word is intentional and life-giving. And the other being the thrill of all creation when God’s people were returning from captivity.
I believe God intends for us to live joy-filled, Spirit-filled, servant-hearted lives. His word is designed perfectly for us no matter what we are going through. Just like rain and snow bring nourishment to living plants, God’s word fulfills our needs. “I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” God’s messages are available to all.
When we read God’s word something happens inside us whether we realize it or not. God’s message to us is consumed by us as fuel to give us comfort, education, direction, and peace. I think of it like planting seeds of truth inside our hearts. God can nurture us using the truth of Scripture. When we grow into the people God designed us to be, we are producing his fruit like crazy.
Wouldn’t the world be a different place if everyone spent time in God’s word? There would be an abundance of fruit all around. We could go a long way toward doing away with negativity, sinful desires, and hurtful situations.
I used to long to spend more time in God’s word while listening for his voice of direction. I feel like I wasted so many years of spinning my wheels and going through the motions of what I thought a Christian life was all about. I knew I should read the Bible more. I felt guilty. That’s a huge part of why I write my devotional blog and book series. I don’t want anyone else to have an excuse of time or knowing what to read each day. God’s word will always speak to us the way it is meant to at any given time. God wants us to fill us with joy!
Just like the Israelites returning to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon. This is the other image I thought was cool in today’s reading. All of creation was to be full of joy. “You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands!” God’s promise to return them to a land of peace was coming soon. Their joy would be full.
For us, we are still waiting for Jesus to return and bring total fulfillment. While we wait for that beautiful day, we can be assured that God’s intention for us is not harm or foul. We may be going through a time of testing or trial. That’s okay. We are going to have those times in our lives. But when we can keep our eyes on Jesus, on the prize so to speak, it’s possible to keep the joy alive.
We don’t need to be “happy” with our situation, but we can be “joyful” in the Lord’s tender mercy and promise of salvation.

Let’s pray … Lord, I do feel joyful when I focus on the gratitude I feel for all you have done for me. Thank you for your word and how it nourishes me each day. Help me choose to focus on your gracious promises rather than the worries of the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.