“Be just and fair to all.” Words from the Lord can speak to us across the ages. I think of a parent’s instruction to their children to “play nicely.” We see so much hatred and misunderstanding in our society today. It’s always been there. Why is it that people tend to look down upon people who are different? Why do bullies revel in taking advantage of others?
Instead, we should take head to this simple advice from on high. “Blessed are those who honor my Sabbath days of rest and keep themselves from doing wrong.” When is the last time you took a day of rest to honor God? Unfortunately, we are living in a time where keeping busy seems to be the norm. We tend to cram our days full to overflowing with tasks, errands, work, and play. What’s left for God?
When I was working full time, I couldn’t afford to let a Saturday or Sunday go with no work. How would I fit it all in? We needed clean clothes and food in the pantry! There was so much wrong with the way I was thinking. Shouldn’t God be my #1 priority? If he says to rest, who am I to say, “sorry, I’m too busy to listen to your wisdom.” The Sabbath rest God prescribes for us is for our own good!
What struck me most in today’s reading was the openness to blessing the Gentiles. We’re in the Old Testament here! God never meant to exclude anyone. After all, we are all part of God’s creation, and he loves us all. His clue here includes the Gentiles if they are committed. “I will also bless the foreigners who commit themselves to the Lord, who serve him and love his name, who worship him and do not desecrate the Sabbath day of rest, and who hold fast to my covenant.” We see an equal opportunity for all people who are committed to God.
God is a champion to outcasts, too! We can take refuge in that to be sure. I don’t know about you, but I have had plenty of rebellious days in my life. Simply ignoring the command to take Sabbath rest puts me in the outcast category. I’m so much more a fan of being committed to my relationship with God. I know how lonely it feels to not have God in my life. I don’t want that again for me or for anyone I know and love.
Take some time today to reflect on how committed you are to God.
Let’s pray … Lord, you are so full of grace and mercy. Thank you for being patient with me. Help me to be better at being true to my commitments and spending time with you. Forgive me for those times when I am distracted and rebellious. In Jesus’ name. Amen.