We start a new section with Chapter 13. Isaiah will be telling of God’s plans against the heathen nations. God’s people were surrounded by nations who did not know God. These are the same nations who infiltrated and brought their own religions, beliefs, and traditions which contributed to God’s chosen ones going astray. Of course, it makes sense that God would want to do away with these nations. He wanted to rid his people of their temptations to worship other gods.
When we find ourselves tempted by sin, we are wise if we put distance between ourselves and that which tempts us. While the Bible promises we will never be tempted beyond what we can handle, we are still prone to sin. Being mindful of our triggers is a wise way to live. So, what we see God doing to these heathen nations is the result of the people not being able to walk away from their temptations.
This is one of those passages that you wish you could overlook. Right? At least in terms of the brutality to children and wives. Yet God’s anger here is against the Babylonians. Interesting that Isaiah would include this here. Jerusalem will need to fall into the hands of the Babylonians first, which falls on the timeline of history long after Isaiah is gone. Isaiah will not live to see this come to pass.
We have heard how God was going to use Assyria for his purposes against Israel, and then destroy Assyria. God’s focus is now to employ new “weapons” to blast Babylon. I understand that prophets were expected to pronounce doom and gloom, as well as God’s victories. To read these Old Testament prophecies gives us a glimpse into the way of life of those people in that day. War and plundering may have the same results, death, but it would have looked so much different in those days.
Judah was a comparatively weak nation often bullied by surrounding nations. To have these “oracles” would give the people hope. They are also a striking message from God to those nations who would be held accountable for their actions. God’s might was greater than any of their own gods. There would be no question about that. No one or no thing can rival our God and his mighty power.
The descriptions of the devastation left behind are quite complete. Because I wondered where this empire of Babylon was located, I checked my Bible map. Was it still empty? As I understand it, this area would be in present day Iraq. It still lies in ruin, buried under mounds of dirt and sand. I’ve always been fascinated by excavation and archaeology. It’s like history comes alive when you find artifacts from the past.
How does this speak to you today? We can look around our world and see bullies and people who are rallying against Biblical truth. Will God swoop in and take care of those who are distorting his message today? Who or what is God going to empower to smash what is distracting us these days? There is so much peace knowing we can place our confidence in God. He is acutely aware of the goings on in our world.
We can also take refuge in our Great Shepherd. We don’t have to roam around like lost sheep. We can find our way when we keep our eyes focused on the right thing.

Let’s pray… Lord, thank you for how you protect your people. I love how you get involved and give us the tools we need to navigate this life. Help me to be watchful and careful of my steps. Help me stand strong against my own temptations. May I put my trust and hope in you today and always. In Jesus’ name. Amen.