Some troubling verses pop in today’s reading. We all know people who have been close to us in the body of Christ and then drifted away for one reason or another. Perhaps there was a relationship meltdown, or difficulty with unanswered questions, or feeling the expectations of the church were too limiting. The reality is we have a choice of whether we focus on growing closer to God or just coast along. Those who coast will certainly drift. The author knew this, and we’ve seen it too. It is merely good practice to be warned of the consequences or at least the probabilities of that choice.
The writer paints a pretty drastic and tragic picture here for his audience. Who would want to be locked out the kingdom of God with no possibility of being redeemed? Those who scoff wouldn’t care at first, but when enlightenment returned, if ever, what then? The reality is that more times than not, people don’t return. There is no desire.
The good news is this is a limit for people, not for God. We could never presume to understand what God will do if and when someone returns to him, pleading for forgiveness and restoration.God cherishes each and every one of us. I can’t imagine he would turn his back on any child if the repentant heart was true.
The writer goes on then to assure and console. “Dear friends, even though we are talking this way, we really don’t believe it applies to you. We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation.” The tone changes, and there is a sense of peace. The writer had to use a little shock and awe for his audience, the new Jewish Christians because they would have been prone to return to their traditions and comfort of the familiar. The wake-up call for us is probably not a bad thing either.
I don’t know about you, but I want to be one who follows “the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.” I want to stand firmly on my belief in Jesus and grow closer every day. I have seen how God rewards those faithful to him. I just need to work on my trust factor. I tend to want to take back the control of things in my life. I know God is there, and yet I am confident in my own way.
It hasn’t always been that way. I have not always been so sure of myself. For me, there is a bit of a victory in that alone. I have come to a place in my life where I am not ashamed of who I am or what I have done. I know I am a redeemed daughter of the king. What I must be careful of, however, is being too sure of my own ability. I need to humble myself and be God’s instrument. He has great plans for me. I must not get in His way.
So we shouldn’t go there. We should not let ourselves drift apart from Jesus’ loving arms. That is definitely the wrong way for us. We should stay right in the middle of his will. For some of us, that’s harder than others. We need to let Jesus take the wheel, so to speak. He is a much better driver than we ever could be.
You Never Let Go is a song that reminds us who is holding on to us. Maybe you need to hear this today, too. Listen HERE.
Let’s pray. Father, forgive me for times when I have drifted from you. Thank you for never letting go of me. Let me be that heart that holds on no matter what life throws at me. I want to trust you and give up trying to control everything in my life. I want to see your hand at work to rescue me. I long to give you credit for all that you make happen in my life. I know your plans for me are so much better than I could ever dream. I want to embrace that and be who you made me to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.