Hebrews 1:5-14 – What About the Angels?

wispy image of bending light around the outline of an angel

Read Hebrews 1:5-14

Have you ever seen an angel? I used to love the show, “Touched by an Angel.” “Highway to Heaven” was another favorite back in the day. Those are just cheesy television, but the message was always uplifting, a “feel good” kind of show. But my picture of angels has been influenced by those kinds of examples. We uncover a lot more of the mystery surrounding angels in this reading.

Here, the writer is quick to distinguish a hierarchy between angels and God’s Son, Jesus Christ. The focus on Christ’s superiority continues. Words like throne and justice are powerful and signify importance. Jesus is Lord, creator, and God. God himself calls Jesus out as God, “Therefore, O God, your God has anointed you,” There is nobody greater than Jesus. Angels may have an audience with God, but their authority and power is not equal to Jesus.

The writer includes passages from Deuteronomy and Psalms that point to Jesus’ majesty. Had you seen the connection before? We will see Old Testament examples brought forward throughout the book of Hebrews because the audience of Jewish Christians were familiar with the writings of the Old Testament. How magnificent it is to see how the Old and New Testaments lay out the whole story, our story, from the very beginning!

Have you ever experienced an angelic encounter? I recall the night our youngest daughter called in a bit of distress over a flat tire. She was wishing changing a tire was one life lesson she hadn’t missed growing up!  As a parent, you want to rush to help, but she lives thousands of miles away! We prayed, and while David and I were explaining to her the process of getting the spare out with the jack, etc., a young man approached her and asked to help. She was at a convenience store, and it was daylight. I’d like to think God sent her an angel.

Now, that man, bless his soul, was not a heavenly being, but God was using him at that moment. Was he an angel? Our text gives us a Biblical definition of what angels actually are, “only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.” This man was truly a servant and he was caring for our daughter. For that, I am grateful. Even if he isn’t a “true” angel, he was a servant who cared.

This idea of being sent to serve and care is appealing to me. I feel like God has sent me to this place to serve and care for others. It’s what gets me up out of bed every morning. I ask, “How is God going to use me today?” then I wait, expectantly, for my assignment. When I don’t feel properly equipped, I know God is right there with me. I’m getting better at trusting him to lead.

How about you? Have you been someone’s angel today?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for your guidance and love. Use me this day to make a difference for someone else. I look forward to being a servant for you. I celebrate you and your greatness. Your throne will endure forever. May everything I say and do this day be pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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