Have you ever wondered why there are so many languages? According to Google there are 6,500 spoken languages in the world. Some of these have very few people speaking them, but that is a lot of different languages. This account in our reading today is how and where it all started. Of course, the family on the boat all spoke the same language, and as they populated the earth, the same language was spoken.
So what did God see in the people that made him want to change that? He saw the people were united. I would think that a unified group is a strong group. That comes from my experience with seeing the ill effects plaguing churches and organizations who are not unified. But God saw what their mission was. While they were unified on their mission, it was not the mission he had given them.
God wanted Noah’s descendants to scatter and populate the whole earth. Instead, these people were unifying to become so famous they wouldn’t need to “scatter.” For some reason, they were opposed to that idea. I would suggest they were afraid of the unknown, and they lacked trust in God. They obviously didn’t have a strong enough relationship with God to trust himfor provision.
Their hearts were full of themselves and the need for notoriety. They were not focused on their mission from God. So, God chose to act. By confusing their language, they could no longer work together to make this tremendous building or monument that would gain them attention. God feared they would stray even farther from him the more self-sufficient they became.
I’ve been guilty of that before, and God has reined me back in. Can you think of a time in your life when you went off on a tangent that you thought was a good option, only to face failure and disappointment? Had you asked God first if that was the right path for you? We need to be careful not to misinterpret our own desires for the heart of God. When I say that it sounds so simple, but in reality, it is the hardest thing, for me at least.
I love it when people say they had a word from God, or they have clarity and peace with a situation knowing they are in the center of God’s will. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. Yet, the evil one likes to play in my head and as a result, I question myself and the messages I’m hearing. If that happens to you, too, I find it helps to pray, dig deep into God’s word, and seek the counsel of a fellow believer. God will use all of these means to help us see him and his will for us. But we need to be still and listen.
Let’s pray. Lord, you know my heart and you know my desire. I want to serve you and bring your peace to others who don’t yet know you. You have given me a mission and a new location with many opportunities. Help me discern which direction it is you have for me. Sometimes I feel like I am just where I am supposed to be and others not so much. I trust you God with my life and love every moment you have given me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.