Genesis 11:10-32 – Open My Eyes

Read Genesis 11:10-32

In case you were wondering what happened to Shem’s family – your wait is over. It is through Shem’s line that Abraham is born, and thereby the genetic path to Jesus. David pointed out to me that Shem’s brother’s children, while I couldn’t begin to pronounce or remember their names, were the family lines that started many nations, including Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon (to name a few). That was a super cool realization for me–something I had missed because I wasn’t a Bible scholar! So glad we have him to shed insights into this blog!

When reading the Bible we need to read it with the appropriate eyes. I remember sharing this when I taught a Bible Exploration class with 3rd graders after they were presented their Bibles. I’ll use an example to explain. When you read a history book, you expect to read about a historical account of some major event. When you read poetry, you don’t read it with the same “eyes” as you would historical book. You can throw in fiction, non-fiction, news articles, gossip column stories, etc. You read each of those with different “eyes” or perspectives. You don’t put expectations on a history book to rhyme, etc.

So, too, with the Bible. While the Bible consists of 66 books, not all books are the same. While all are the “word of God”, you should use different “eyes” when reading each book. In Genesis, we have talked about the pre-history, what we’ve read up to now, that deals with how things came into being. This is not a true “historical” account, but a collection of stories to help us understand where we started from. The eyes we use here should not be “literal” or holding to strict facts.

I wanted to get out a piece of paper today with all the names to keep them straight. Family lines were crossing as marriages happened with family members. While that is not common in our society today, it hasn’t been too many years and that would have been a lot more commonplace. Again, these are details that might hold us back from seeing the message.

The message for today is there is always a reason for our being. God uses each and every one of us for some purpose. We have to be present and available for God to work in us. We have to be open and willing. When is the last time you asked God to use you?

Listen to this.

Let’s pray. Lord, it’s time for me to let go of me and let you have your way with me. Forgive my selfish heart. You have something for each of us to do in this world. I  want to clear away the confusion and just serve you.  I am ready God. Open the eyes of my heart so that I can see you. Use me to make a difference in this world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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